Enlarged pores on the face - it is not a disease and, in general, not a drawback. However, holders of the skin with enlarged pores often unhappy that nature has given them, and seek to narrow pores. Features leather really laid nature, that is the main cause of enlarged pores - genetic.
As a rule, enlarged pores accompany oily skin: the more fat it highlights the wider pores. In this there is a plus - for oily skin for a long time does not appear wrinkles, as it is well moistened.
Enlarged pores, however, are also a sign of skin aging. Aging skin is sealed and thickens, because the pores and expand.
As a rule, enlarged pores accompany oily skin: the more fat it highlights the wider pores. In this there is a plus - for oily skin for a long time does not appear wrinkles, as it is well moistened.
Enlarged pores, however, are also a sign of skin aging. Aging skin is sealed and thickens, because the pores and expand.
Enlarged pores on your face: what is bad?
If the cause of enlarged pores - fat overlaps another problem, which is the contamination long appears inflamed rashes and blackheads. Wider is the time - the more fat they are isolated and the more dirt and bacteria absorb outside. As a result, the skin looks unhealthy.
If the cause of expansion far - aging skin, too little joy. Enlarged pores underscore appearing sagging skin.
Is it possible to narrow pores? Yes, if you care for your skin regularly. Whatever the reason for expanding long methods are mostly used are the same. The only difference is that the oily skin, the more attention should be paid to its purification and aging skin needs more hydration and nutrition.
How narrow pores? Lead a healthy lifestyle
If the expansion of pores due to the high fat content and the "problem" of the skin, is much lower consumption of fatty, sugary, smoked, pickled food. Instead of pickles to eat fresh, sweet drinks instead drink herbal tea or mineral water, and instead of smoked sausage has cooked in a double boiler chicken cutlets. For such a diet will thank you not only skin, but also all the structures of the body.
Anyone who has a tendency to expand long recommended to drink plenty of clean water - at least 2 liters a day.
Make sure that you get enough vitamins A and E. For this purpose, it is desirable to include in the diet carrots, apricots, liver, cod liver oil, eggs, peanuts, sunflower seeds, linseed oil.
You can get a course of medication "Aevitum" (this is a vitamin preparation without a prescription, but before taking still advisable to consult your doctor).
Make sure that you get enough vitamins A and E. For this purpose, it is desirable to include in the diet carrots, apricots, liver, cod liver oil, eggs, peanuts, sunflower seeds, linseed oil.
You can get a course of medication "Aevitum" (this is a vitamin preparation without a prescription, but before taking still advisable to consult your doctor).
How narrow pores? Do skin cleansing
Anyone who has a tendency to spread the pores, you need to pay attention to the quality of skin cleansing. Sometimes it is enough to raise the level of treatment that the pores significantly narrowed.
Very oily skin with enlarged pores should be washed at least 2 times a day or a special baby soap foam cleanser designed for oily skin. Periodically, you should use antibacterial soap.
After each washing, be sure to wipe the face tonic. If the skin is excessively oily, you can use lotions containing small amounts of alcohol.
However, washing and wiping is not enough - you need a deep cleaning, which allows to remove plugs from pores and remove dead skin cells. The most affordable, simple and pleasant enough means - scrub.
However, washing and wiping is not enough - you need a deep cleaning, which allows to remove plugs from pores and remove dead skin cells. The most affordable, simple and pleasant enough means - scrub.
If there is inflammation , you need to use a light scrub with fine particles . If there is no inflammation and the skin is tender and sensitive , can be used to scrub with coarse particles .
Facial scrub
Scrub suit and homemade . For this purpose, one can take a coffee powder , sugar , or close a large salt. That we will " skrabiruyuschy filler ." It must be something to breed to get a creamy consistency.To do this, use honey , thick cream , olive oil or, for example , face cream . Stir with the creamy exfoliate particles diluent , washed his face ,
dabbed towel caused the resulting scrub the skin thoroughly massaged ,
left for a couple of minutes and washed .That's the whole procedure , which occupies quite a bit of time, but gives a great result . It is not only narrowing of pores , but also the prevention of skin aging .In addition to mechanical , chemical peels are very effective .
Chemical peeling with enlarged pores
Chemical peel procedure can be obtained in the cabin. Very desirable to do not let the salon peeling regularly , but at
least periodically , especially if wide pores are really annoying and
deprive confidence.In the salons use rather aggressive acids, which exfoliate the top layers of skin . This deep cleaning , which leads to a significant improvement of the
skin to rejuvenate it , get rid of old acne scars and traces of narrow
pores .However, daily chemical peel procedure can be done at home . Sale cosmetics peeling - they often contain salicylic acid. And that is to say , the best option when enlarged pores . Salicylic acid really deep cleans pores , dissolving fat, dirt and bacteria. And it's time to clean - it 's time to narrow .Look
for stores with cosmetic peels containing salicylic acid and strictly
follow the instructions ( how long withstand the composition on the
face, how often to repeat the procedure - this information is
necessarily given on the packaging) .
Steam bath for the face
This procedure is also very useful for cleaning and, as a consequence, pores contraction. Under the influence of a couple jams, clog pores, go yourself. Do not need any mechanical effects on the skin. Pores deeply cleansed. In addition, high temperature kills the bacteria. When this circulation is enhanced, and the skin becomes saturated with a large amount of nutrients.
Steam bath for the face should be done at least once a month , but not more often than once a week. Fatter than the skin, the procedure may last longer - up to 20 minutes.In boiling water before the procedure, you can add honey , a bag of chamomile tea spoon of olive oil , a little mint . In general, that would be handy. This will increase the efficiency of the procedure .The procedure is performed as follows: boiling water should be poured into a deep container ( bowl , bowl, small saucepan ) . Place a container on a stable surface . Take a large towel, bend over the tank and cover with a towel to prevent the exit of steam. Get a sort of mini steam room . If unbearably hot towel can be raised slightly .
Microdermabrasion - a great procedure for those who have expanded pores have bumps on the skin and traces of acne. As a scrub, a mechanical peeling, but more subtle and aggressive, so this procedure is necessary to pass the course, and not permanently, unlike the scrub.
Microdermabrasion - skin resurfacing is abrasives (the smallest particulate matter, microcrystals), served on the skin under pressure. Procedure applies to hardware cosmetology. It can get in the cabin, but you can do it at home. For this will need to purchase a special apparatus. For example:
However, home treatments are considered less effective than salon. Yet it is desirable to start to go through several procedures in the cabin, and then continue skin treatment at home, if you managed to buy the machine.
How narrow pores? overlay masks
- Normalize the sebaceous glands helps bodyaga. Better use of gels with entanglement, sold in pharmacies. Masks with a gel-based concoctions help exfoliate dead skin cells, improve circulation, resorption traces of acne and narrow pores. Make masks with entanglement can be once a week.
- Excellent narrow pores different masks based on clay. Suit and white, and blue, and pink clay. You can use ready-made mask from clay or plant it yourself. Causing the clay to the face , you need to lie until it is completely dry. Dries clay styanet pores. After pulling should stand for a few minutes , keeping complete peace and stillness of the face. Wash away the clay and apply moisturizer. Carry out the procedure pore tightening stands after cleaning the skin - whether scrub , chemical peel or steam bath.
- Same and even more vyryazhenny effect tightening pores has a mask with egg white. We need to take one egg white, a little whip it, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply on face quickly. Then lie down and, while maintaining complete immobility of facial muscles, lie down for 15-20 minutes. Mask do not worth more than 1 time in 1-2 weeks. It is well tightens pores and eliminates wrinkles.
- Another mask for problem areas face - soap- soda- salt . Better to do it while taking a bath . You need to take baby soap , a ride in his hands, having achieved a small amount of foam. In the foam add a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda , rub and apply on the trouble spots with a damp skin - on the nose, under the eyes, on the forehead (depending on what areas you face widened pores) . Once the contraction begins to be felt , it is necessary to wait about 5 minutes and rinse agent with a person . This procedure can be done often enough, if the skin is oily.
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