Dec 29, 2015

From what to wear lace skirt?

Lace in women's clothing is always important, but right now it is at the height of fashion. At one store or you come - everywhere rows of lace skirts and dresses. Femininity today held in high esteem. Fortunately, lacy clothes are all, without exception. It makes the image is very soft and sexy, but in this lies the danger. Lace require caution. 

Dec 27, 2015

Make a red dress

If you are going to wear the red dress, the woman should be prepared for increased attention. Errors in the image are unacceptable, because they will rush into the eyes of others. Red clothes noticeably accentuates the skin and the face in general. Because of this bright makeup seem overly flashy or even dirty. But too light make-up will make a woman pale, like a mole. In short, applying make-up in red dress, you must adhere to the golden mean.We offer you three options for a successful make-up under the red dress. Making a choice should be guided by the style of the created image and its tstotip.

Dec 26, 2015

The benefits of running for the figure. It is useful to whether to run women?

Regular jogging considered economical and effective way to control weight. Running - "champion" of energy consumption, among other sports. Cost of calories one hour training session is equivalent to running two hours of intense cycling, dance or gymnastic three classes, four yoga classes. But the benefits of running for the figure is due not only energy consumption ...