Feb 14, 2014

Sagging skin after 40: How to stop aging?

It is no secret that with age, especially after age 40, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Such trouble arises not only women but also men. The reasons are many. This endocrine problems, and stress and lack of sleep, and diseases of internal organs, as well as fluctuations in weight. But the main reason is that the hyaluronic acid and collagen with age produce less. And these are the substances which depends on the elasticity and youthfulness of our skin.

If you do not pay attention to this problem, then eventually sagging skin will be visible not only on the problem areas, but also on the whole body, including the face. What to do and whether you can cope with this trouble yourself? Return the elasticity of the skin is possible, but only through a whole range of measures. On anti-aging need to go armed with: enough influence on the skin only from the outside or from the inside only. Only a holistic approach will give a tangible result. So, what will help the skin after 40 years to stay young?


Food against sagging skin after 40 

Primarily rethink your diet. Coffee, sandwiches, sweets and biscuits are not conducive to youthful skin. Raise its tone antioxidants, so you need to diversify the diet products such as apples, beans, strawberries, currants, prunes, cranberries. See also our article: The most useful fruit and berries. 

Also needed Vitamins C, A, E and group B. These elements are involved in the synthesis of compounds necessary for the skin . Try to use more foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. To do this more often to replace meats fish , for example. Include in the diet variety of nuts, olive and flaxseed oil , any eggs.

Updated to skin cells , the body needs sufficient water of good quality. On average, this amount would be 8 cups . No tea and coffee , namely pure water. Drinking enough fluids will allow to remove toxins from the body, which will contribute to the elasticity and youthful skin . By the way, if we talk about tea , it is better to give preference to green , it has beneficial effect on metabolism. Suffice it to two cups of beverage a day.

Physical activity to preserve youthfulness of skin after 40 

Movement - is not only health, but also beauty . Regular exercise leads to muscle tone. Physical activity contribute to significant blood flow to problem areas . As a result of the metabolism , the state of the small vessels of the skin, it gets all the necessary nutrients , stimulates cell renewal process .Of course, the ideal is to go to the gym - for example, buy a subscription to a fitness center . But if no time, and the result will bring exercises performed at home. Pick complex for your problem areas. Importantly, follow the exercises regularly , and then a couple of months you will see the first results. Also try to move more at every opportunity : walking, climbing stairs, dancing, swimming . During exercise the body is saturated with oxygen , which helps to improve the synthesis of collagen . 

It will be useful to learn and facial gymnastics . It does not take a lot of time - an average of 10 minutes a day . And to do it at any time and in any place - for example, lying on a couch or driving a car . Using facial exercises can be raised cheeks and corners of the mouth , make your lips plumper , and his eyes - wide open . Forehead wrinkles easily and quickly removed through simple exercises . Gymnastics allows even improve the shape of the nose - it will be more resilient and elegant. When you exercise the facial skin gets extra food and longer stays elastic. Excellent proven set of exercises from Carol Madge . 

Deep breathing: miracle exercise for youthful skin after 40 

Exercise "deep breathing", coined by yogis can be performed at any convenient time. To perform not need to allocate space and purchase equipment. Despite its simplicity, exercise a great benefit: saturates the body with oxygen, makes the heart beat faster, and thus helps to improve blood circulation. In addition, a "deep breath" - a great "internal massage", useful for authorities and energizes. 

The exercise is performed as follows. Need to sit with your back straight , shoulders relax , do not lean forward . Make slow , long breath through your nose , gradually filling the lungs. Need to maximize the bottom of the chest, filling it with air. When there will be a feeling of fullness limit , you need to hold your breath and count to 10 myself . Then slowly exhale through your mouth. Relax, make 4 normal breaths , then repeat a deep breath. Just once to do 10 deep breaths , do not forget " embed " between conventional 4 . Perform the procedure every day. This simple exercise helps to preserve youthful skin. 

Massage of sagging skin 

Massage is an effective tool, it also helps to give the tone the muscles, and skin - elasticity. Well combine it with aromatherapy - for example, to massage fatty oil, in which a few drops of essential oil. You can find a specialist in lifting massage. But such procedures can be performed at home, using the massager. It is also important regularity.

Cosmetics, preserving youthful skin  

Good body cream with regular use helps tighten and smooth the skin. It must include components such as hyaluronic acid, retinol, vitamin C, caffeine, vegetable extracts (e.g., cocoa, green tea, algae). If possible, choose tools that are recommended by the manufacturer for your particular age group. 

Do not forget to change the tool , since efficiency decreases with time .You can also use anti-cellulite creams . Average Rate make wraps and masks with aromatic oils , honey, yellow clay , etc.Also for the body must be purchased finished peeling . Need to constantly apply it 1-2 times a week during a shower . This procedure will not only rid the skin of dead skin particles . After peeling nutrients penetrate into the dermis is much better , and many of the tools are at times more efficient. So after peeling is required to put on the skin nourishing agent massage movements ( rubbing and patting) .

Bath for youth after 40 

Useful to visit the bath or sauna. But not too often (not more than 2-4 times per month). These procedures eliminate toxins, vasodilatation. At the same cloth saturated with oxygen. Typically, after a bath the skin becomes smooth and taut.

Works well with contrast sagging and temperatures. After the bath take a cool shower, but not get too carried away, everything in moderation. Well, if the opportunity to go to the bath you do not, take a contrast shower at home. This will not only preserve the elasticity of the skin and vascular health, but also improve the immune system.

Salt baths against sagging skin  

Bath with sea salt rejuvenate the body , especially if they add essential oils. The procedure should last 25-30 minutes and then must be properly grind problem areas ( stomach , buttocks, thighs ) hard sponge . This will improve blood circulation in these places . After the bath , use a lifting body cream . Such bathing need to spend at least 10-15 . Procedures make in a day or every day. Then you need to take a break for a month or two , after which the course may be repeated .All these recommendations are quite effective , but the result can only be achieved by using a set of measures , which must include exercise and increase in loco motor activity in general. 


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