Jul 30, 2014

Tips for skin care at sea

Going on holiday to the sea, you can not take with you all your makeup, unless using a minimum that is justified if you are under 25 years of age. Girls 25 should take care of everything and all the parts of his body, not missing a single centimeter, which will look great even at 60, and that really must admit 70-80 years. Only sunscreen on the sea to save. What can and should I bring? How to care for the skin of the sea? What do skin care physicians suggest? Read more ...

Will there be enough of your beauty and skin only sunscreen? Only if you have very young healthy skin care body in perfect condition, as you relax in a clean area. Only in this case it is sufficient only protective cream. In other cases, additional funds will be needed for the full skin care and maximum protection from ultraviolet radiation and stress provoked by the negative impact of the environment. So, you should take the rest moisturizer with antioxidants, which is fully absorbed into the skin and does not leave the mask on your face feeling. Also be sure to take a night cream. Ideally, there should be a hyaluronic acid that restores moisture balance after sun bathing dries.

Do not know whether you can use bleach, to get rid of freckles that the sun faster than rabbits reproduce? We do not recommend to take with this cream. If so, you absolutely can not survive the appearance of kissing the sun, use a cream only at night, because usually a part of these creams and serums has retinol and acid. The concentration of these components is very high, which significantly increases the skin's sensitivity to the sun, and this may lead to the appearance of dark spots. That is, getting rid of minor defects, you can get more explicit. If you suffer from hyperpigmentation, on vacation, use tools, corrective melanin, since they contain more secure AHA-acids. Do not forget to use protective cream on top with an SPF of at least 30, use organic and natural skin care products.

Do not know whether to immediately wash the sea water from the body, or give it to dry on the skin, as many consider it to be part of helpful? Medical experts say that the salt may have a favorable effect on the skin in the form of a solution, but when dry it causes itching and irritation, so we recommend that you immediately after sea bathing to take a shower or bath - natural hair and skin care.

Is protective cream for the body as well as for the person? Experts argue that the protective creams for the face and body contain similar filters, but the texture of creams and gamma components of the various caregivers. The facial skin is much more delicate, so in need of a slightly different care than the body. But if you suddenly ended face cream, one or even two times, you can replace it with body cream with a high SPF-factor.

How to use a protective cream for the body? Sufficiently timely question, because most do not know how to use it. Cream is applied 15 minutes before going to the beach and is updated every 2 hours, as the water and sand it washed and rinsed from the body. Important is also the dosage cream. Please use the "rule of palm", forcing a long strip of funds from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger. So you get the required amount of cream for each area of ​​the body: neck, abdomen, back, chest, arms and legs. Before you upgrade, the cream does not forget to rinse and wipe with a towel. In a cream that is applied to damp skin, broken filters, and with them - protection, which is weak and ineffective.

What else to take with you on vacation to the sea? Moisturizing and nourishing agents as parched and dried sea salt skin needs even more care than usual. Also, do not forget to take home thermal water and after-sun cream. Thermal water rinsed after a shower, and after that apply the cream, it is desirable that in its composition was panthenol, regenerating and healing.

Do I need to take to the sea cream for hands and feet? Even if you do not use those in everyday life, such lotions are needed without fail, as the sun "fried" is not only the face, hands, back and stomach. The feet are also affected, especially if you walk barefoot on hot sand. Also, feet tend to sweat and overheat. Legs to tell you their "thank you" to take care of them, treating the evening after a shower scrub and causing regenerating cream with glycerin, panthenol and urea.     


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