Jul 19, 2014

Tips on how to keep hair color after dyeing

Wherever, whatever you do not like stained hair after coloring will have to face the challenge of maintaining the color saturation of the hair. You will not believe, but for these purposes has rules and tricks for before and after hair dye that will help as long as possible to keep the color bright and fresh and natural.When is it best to dye your hair.. Read More

Paint often and regularly

Do you like the hair of models from magazines and from the commercials that are constantly played on the TV? Want a similar head of hair? Then paint the hair is not less than once every six weeks. Why? Because it is during this time the hair loses shine. If you are a lover of red and reddish shades, the color should be conducted at least once every four weeks. We should not forget that the builders shampoos greatly affect the hair, especially red, which washed away faster than the other colors. 

Shampooing every two days

Wash your hair less frequently than once every two days, could and should be more often - not recommended. Many women wash the head every day, but it's too much. Can I opt out of this habit? Completely. Especially if you do it gradually. If you are due to some reasons it is impossible to give up the daily shampooing, then at least half the time, replace shampoo, air-conditioned, causing it to ends of hair. In this case, the hair should be washed with cool water. If this procedure does not help and the hair will still continue to rapidly become greasy, consider replacing the shampoo. Even Oily hair does not require daily shampooing. 

Clarifying shampoo before coloring

Paint is better absorbed into the oily hair, so they are not recommended to wash for 24 hours before the procedure. If the paint is better absorbed, then the longer it will keep you just at hand. If you are using a silicone-based tools, it is recommended to wash your hair for 2-3 days before staining clarifying shampoo.

Dyed hair is not friends with Mousses and gels

All of the above tools used during installation, impair hair color, especially a pale red and blond - they fade due to overload. Use gels, mousses and lacquers only solemn occasions or situations, but not every day.

Shampoo for colored hair

For colored hair developed special shampoos that almost washed away the paint and a good clean hair of dirt and grease. It is best to use the same brand of shampoo as a hair dye. So you will extend the coloring effect. 

Protect your hair from the sun

Dyed hair should definitely keep away from sunlight, which is especially important in the summer. Sea, sun, air - a fairy tale for you, but not for your hair, for them - this aggressive environmental impact. The sun's rays are not only dry the hair, but also eat the paint, and not only that, they are painted, but also eat away the natural color. Have not you noticed that in the summer hair color always gets lighter than in the winter season? This means only one thing - you spend too much time in the sun with their heads uncovered. Please do not forget to use hats. In protecting against the sun will help you and special shampoos with protection against UV rays.

"NO" hot water

Hot water is contraindicated colored hair. If you wash your hair with hot water, it will very quickly wash color. Therefore, we recommend that you replace the hot water warm or even cold. 


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