Jun 19, 2014

Blue color in the interior : Blue Psychology

Of all the colors blue receives the most positive evaluation on statistics, this color like most people. Not surprisingly, since the blue - the color of romantic, associating with the infinity of the sky and the sea. Blue color can be heavenly, turquoise, azure, cornflower - its manifestation in any color he will spaciousness and freedom.

Psychology blue

Psychological associations with blue: peace, purity, infinity, freedom, peace, peace. At the mention of the blue, most people think of the sky, fresh air, clean waters, beautiful blue eyes. Thus, this color is perceived as a whole is very positive. And what causes the sensation of the presence of a blue color in the interior?

General Association, of course, also affect the perception of color in the living areas. So, the blue room seems clean and fresh air. It is psychologically easy to breathe - like after a thunderstorm.

Blue color in the interior quiet, so pale blue shades is recommended to use in interior design for the nervous and irritable people, as well as for those who work a lot, very tired and can not easily and quickly relax.

Blue color can inspire optimism, so we recommend using a nice blue color in the rooms pessimists.

Blue color brings harmony in the house. In blue interiors want to come back. Perhaps that is why the color blue is called color fidelity. Want to second half was true to you? Repaint the walls of your dorm blue.

Blue visual objects moving away from us, so blue walls make the room visually more spacious.

Blue color in the interior: the premises and styles

In any home indoors blue color will come in handy. In the bedroom, he calm down and relax. Make child comfortable. Small bathroom in blue color in combination with white and silver will seem visually more spacious.

In the kitchen there is less blue. It is believed that this is an unappetizing color. If there are no problems with appetite, but there are problems with being overweight, blue kitchen - just what we need. Psychologists assert that blue kitchen-diner person eats much less than, for example, yellow, orange, sand, red, etc. 

Blue room is calm, soothing. But its spectacular unlikely to be called. Should bear in mind that the blue color can make the room a rustic.

Of course, do not forget about the old rule designer: blue colors are best suited for rooms with windows overlooking the sunny side. Blue walls and even blue curtains make the room cooler. If the windows facing north, the blue color will make the room dark.

Now look at the styles. Blue is quite common in modern interiors with historical motifs - the so-called neo-classical, neo-baroque, etc. Luxury and elegance, curved and ornate, silver and gold details - in the neo-classical and neo-baroque all this mixed with modern nuances. Blue color here is to bring to the interior solemnity, lightness and a sense of spaciousness. At the same time it's a little easier interior, eliminating him from screaming pomposity and pretentiousness.

Love the cool blue shades Scandinavians. In Scandinavian-style interiors dominated by white color, because it does not interfere with the natural light to fill the room. Light blue walls found in Scandinavian interiors less than whites, but also have a place to be, because the blue color can make the natural light coming from the windows, even cleaner and whiter.

Blue walls and furniture are often found in the interiors in a rustic style. As already mentioned, the blue interior is able to make easier and more comfortable. Country-style interiors in just these features and attract.

Blue color can be used to create an interior a la beach house or bungalow.

Of course, the color blue has a right to attend and modern interiors, but, for example, in rooms in the style of hi-tech, he almost never occurs. However, if someone loves the color blue, do not abandon him, forcing themselves into the framework of stylistic stereotypes. In modern blue room you can select only one wall, adding some blue accents or furniture.

Incidentally, blue kitchen furniture, unlike the blue walls, fits perfectly into the ultramodern kitchen interior. This, of course, talking about the glossy facades. In such kitchens combined with the color blue metallic. One of the main associations with the style of hi-tech - "industrial coldness." Blue color just allows to achieve this effect.

Blue color in the interior: what to combine

The children's room blue best combined with shades of yellow and orange. Warm tones dilute cold blue and the room will be more cheerful.

In other areas it is best to combine blue with white, various "powdery" shades (beige, cream, sand, etc.), gray and silver.

If you make the interior white, gray and blue, it will be a stylish and solid, but cold and austere.

Combination with shades of beige, on the contrary, will bring a bit of warmth and makes the room more comfortable.

Also possible other combinations: for example, blue and yellow, blue and orange, blue and khaki. But such combinations in the rooms for adults, frankly, an amateur. However, it should be borne in mind that such a cold-warm palette allows you to make a solar space reminiscent of a Mediterranean house.

Incidentally, since the light blue color is unobtrusive and fairly easy to perceive, it can be used as a neutral background - ie use in finishing large surfaces: walls, ceilings. Blue ceiling will seem higher - it is necessary to consider those whom pressured low ceilings.


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