Jun 8, 2014

How to get rid of a double chin?

Double chin - it certainly is not a disease, but still pleasant enough. Double chin (or "chin") may be to face, but only in one case - if the person is a small child. Adult same man loses appeal in the appearance of the roller. Such language is not oval face turn called elegant, and features lose their finesse. What do you do if the presence of a double chin resembles even a glimpse in the mirror? There is a solution: you need to make quite a bit of effort and get rid of a double chin. Well, or just make it less noticeable. Is that possible? Yes!

How to get rid of a double chin?

Causes of double chin

First, you should try to determine the cause of a double chin. The most common reason - overweight. Under the chin just store fat, and oval face "spreads."
As a rule, a double chin is evident when a person gains just 6-10 extra pounds. Use a simple formula: height in centimeters minus 100 for men and height in centimeters minus 110 for women. Matches only your weight to the result?
If your weight is greater than at least 6, then double chin - the result of improper diet and lack of physical activity. And to get rid of a double chin, you first need to adjust your diet and increase physical activity. And it is not only to remove a double chin - dropping too much, and you will improve your figure and your health.
The second reason - the laxity of the muscles in the neck and chin. Laxity occurs due to improper posture habit of walking with bowed head and sleeping in an uncomfortable position. And, of course, affects the overall muscle weakness due to lack of physical activity.
What to do in this case to remove a double chin? First, do any exercise for the body and do it regularly. Especially useful exercises for the shoulders, arms, chest. Fulfilling their human strains including the muscles of the neck. The area under the chin becomes more supple and taut, improved facial contours.
There are special exercises aimed specifically at the problem area. To get rid of a double chin, you need to do these exercises every day 1-2 times a day, the good they do not take much time.

Gymnastics from the second chin 

Exercise of double chin

The first exercise of a double chin. Sit on a chair back straight, legs bent at a right angle, feet flat on the floor. Body leaned forward slightly, keeping your back straight. Slowly zaprokinte head and pull the lower lip up as if you are trying to reach her nose. At this point you should feel pretty strong tension in the neck and chin. Secure in this position and slowly consider myself to five. Return to starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.

The second exercise of a double chin. Original position as in exercise. 1. Slowly zaprokinte head and turn it to the right. Pull your lower lip up as if trying to reach out to her nose. Feel pretty strong tension in the collarbone, neck and chin from the left side. Secure in this position and slowly count myself to five. Return to starting position. Do the same thing with a turn of the head to the left. Repeat 3 times for each side.

The third exercise of the double chin. Pinch teeth and lips pencil and draw in the air all the letters of the Russian alphabet. Body thus should remain stationary - only the head moves.
The fourth exercise of the double chin. Stand up straight, lift your head up, looking at the ceiling. Fold the lips like a kiss. Reach up lips, as if you want to kiss the ceiling. It should be to have a strained neck muscles and jaw, and facial muscles stay relaxed. Slowly consider myself to 5. Repeat twice.
The fifth exercise of a double chin. Stand up straight. Try to stick out the lower jaw forward as far as possible. The lower lip may lean on top. Start making circular movements of the head - first 10 rotational movements in one direction, then another 10 - to another.
Six Lessons from the second chin. Sit up straight. Relax. Slowly lower your chin to your chest, just slowly turn your head to the right and lift the chin. Lower chin, return it to your chest and turn your head to the left, lift the chin. Keep doing the same - move the head from side to side like a pendulum. Repeat 10 turns in each direction. Exercise should be done slowly, concentrating on the sensations in the neck and chin - you should feel the tension.

How to get rid of double chin?

Special procedures

To become the owner of an elegant oval face, a gym may not be enough - you need extra care of this area. Will be effective self-massage.Self-massage of the double chin
  • Inflicting cream morning and evening to face and neck, do some light tingling under the chin area from the center to the periphery. You have to physically feel how this area comes to tone.
  • Several times a day, pat under the chin back of his hand - fast and frequent movements.
  • 2-3 times a week massage the neck and under the chin is not very stiff brush or a special massage mitt. Rub need to light redness. Trituration apply to this area rich nourishing cream.
  • Taking a shower, increase water pressure and massage jets rigid double chin area.
A couple of times a week you can do this procedure to get rid of double chin: gruff take a small towel, soak it in cold salted water (1 tbsp. Spoon table or sea salt per liter of water), wring a towel and pat the area under the chin. Make 20 to 50 pats. Then apply the skin greasy nourishing cream.
All for this procedure, but for effect, to remove a double chin quickly, you can make a poultice: you will need a thick paper or vellum. You need to cut a strip to attach to a double chin (paper glued suffered because fat cream), and then tie a wide ribbon or chin bandage. Need to tie up as if you have toothache - the middle of the tape or bandage is held under the chin and tied on top. Attach the chin bandage tightly and leave at least 2 hours, preferably overnight. This is a very effective procedure to get rid of double chin, making the skin in the region of elastic.

How to visually hide the double chin?

So, you already know how to remove a double chin. But while you're on the road to success, we have to somehow divert attention from its shortcomings. Here are some guidelines for women.
Makeup by double chin. Do focus on the eyes and cheekbones. Pay full attention to eye make-up - let alone everyone notices them. Use eyeliner, lengthen eyelashes. Cover cheekbones lighter tone and use light blush. The area under the cheekbones powder the dark powder. She and powder the same double chin. Lips do not need to devote much as they can draw attention to the problem area. Just cover them with a translucent sheen or apply clear balm.
Clothing. In no case do not try to hide the double chin for a turtleneck. Turtlenecks - this is not for you! On the contrary - the more the neckline, the longer it will seem your neck and the less on this background will look like a double chin. Ideal - a deep V-neck dress or blouse.
Hairstyles and haircuts with double chin. The ideal length of hair in front - to the jawline or just above / below. The most suitable volume-bob haircut. Also, visually hide the double chin allows bulk haircut "Cascade". If you have long hair and you wear a bun or tail, take a few strands in front shorter (up to the jawline or just above / below). Gather hair into a bun or a tail, and leave these strands loose, slightly curl them inward or outward and give them volume.

 How to remove a double chin: a few more tips 

1. STRONG chew. Try to eat more solid food and chew it thoroughly. Remember Yogi secrets - each serving of food into your mouth, chew them very carefully, making chewing movements by 51 for each side. That is, for example, a spoonful of rice yoga chew, making 102 chewing motion. Of course, you can just take it easy, but take at least 20 chewing movements for each portion of food into his mouth.
2. To get rid of double chin and prevent its occurrence, train yourself to sleep on a flat pillow, and generally better without it.
3. Follow posture, walk with your head held high.
Author: Xan McPhersonRead more:
How to get rid of cellulite? Acting outside
How to get rid of cellulite exercise
Getting ready for the beach season. Body Care
Neck care at home


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your article was good you can also reduce your double chin faster by drink green tea regularly and by applying cocoa butter mask or egg white mask on your face

  3. Your post is very informative. there are many facial exercise for double chin. for more information, you can visit face yoga .
