Jun 16, 2014

How to keep youth: health and beauty secrets

Unfortunately, the secrets of eternal youth is not available to modern man: no matter how hard you try, and the time is still left its mark on the face and body. Impossible to cheat nature, but "bargain" at her for a few extra years of beauty and youth are quite capable of every. To do this, there are many popular ways to help preserve the beauty of the skin and body and prolong youth. All measures to promote the conservation of youth, it is worth to adopt as soon as possible. As they say, ready to sledge in the summer. That is, think about the extension of youth need an early age.

How to keep youth: health and beauty secrets

To look young, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And if in 20 years some bad habits do not affect the appearance, after 30 each cigarette or night party effect on the skin.
This also applies to the duration of sleep. Scientists have calculated its optimal duration is not less than 7-8 hours. Good sleep and a relaxed attitude to life situations prevent premature aging.
If possible, sleep better more than less. During sleep, a person is relaxed, and it prevents it from wrinkling. In the dream, is production of hormones that affect almost all organs of the state. During sleep, they get the necessary nutrition. At least a couple times a week a woman need to sleep 9-10 hours per night.

Normalization of the power system will not be superfluous at any age. In order not to gain weight, and saturate the skin with all necessary materials, it is necessary to use enough of daily vegetables, fruits and berries, avoiding preservatives and refined foods.
Fluid, simple clean water to drink in an amount not less than 7 glasses a day, helps to maintain skin tone and eliminate unnecessary toxins from the body. With insufficient moisture the skin loses its tone.
In everyone's life should be at least the minimum exercise. Progress, from public transport to lift, reduce it to a minimum. Therefore, to maintain the youth need to find something for everyone. It does not matter whether it is simple or fitness walking.

How to keep youth: rejuvenation body slimming program

To freshen up, you can at least once a year to comply with a special cleansing diet. The essence of the program is to eat during the week some apples and a glass dining yogurt or any other dairy products. Apples help cleanse the intestines, allow the body to get rid of excess toxins and contained in dairy products natural beneficial bacteria and normalize intestinal microflora. This diet allows you to not only lose a few pounds, but also gives a fresh skin. At the same time strengthens the immune system, and stronger than he - so we are younger.

One problem slimming women over 30-35 years to keep the weight loss at the skin elasticity. Help in this bath with sea salt with the addition of bran broth. To obtain it requires 2 kg bran pour 5 liters of water, boil for a few minutes, strain and pour the broth into the bath. Bran make the skin soft and supple, preventing aging.

Anti-aging: skin rejuvenation

One of the popular ways of rejuvenation - tincture of dry wine with herbs. For this it is necessary to insist liter of wine with 50 grams of herbs of sage and lavender. Two weeks wine brewed in a cool, dark place, shaken. Infusion is filtered and then used twice a day for 30 grams of tincture one hour before meals.
Oceanic diet. Improve skin condition can by adhering to the so-called oceanic diet. Marine fish contains omega-3 fatty complex acids, enough that enhances skin tone. It becomes more resilient, fine wrinkles are smoothed. To do this for a month to give up alcohol, fat and flour by clicking on vegetarian food. It is not less than twice a day, required to eat fish dishes. Allowed any fruits, vegetables, a little lean meat. A month later, the result is fantastic: besides the fact that improve skin condition, leave the extra weight.

If you replace the usual teas herbal infusions, it too will extend youthful skin. To do this, the leaves are brewed with boiling water rose, raspberry, strawberry. They contribute to the development of estrogen is largely responsible for the preservation of youth and beauty.

Anti-aging: folk recipes for youthful skin 

Masks from natural ingredients to normalize metabolism, making nutrients more quickly penetrate the skin and improves its appearance.

Recipe for any type of skin consists of a mixture of olive oil, honey and lemon juice. The mixture is left on the skin for fifteen minutes, after which warm water washed with the addition of lemon juice.

Has similar properties mask of whipped egg white with honey and lemon. It tones and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Mask a mixture of wheat flour and cream nourishes dry skin and makes it smooth and silky.

If you regularly take care of their appearance, you can prevent premature aging, and as far as possible to postpone your start aging. Yes, and you need to age beautifully, so do not stop taking care of yourself, even finding a dozen wrinkles. Spring's crazy summer delights and fall, despite the withering of nature, fascinating. So it is with a woman's beauty: even fading, can be fascinating and extremely charming, attractive and magnetizing. Always be beautiful!   


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