Jun 17, 2014

How to recover skinny? Causes thinness and workarounds

Problem of excess weight is the key to modern humanity. Range and broadcast only on how to lose weight. This suggests that human life has become more comfortable and safe. But food culture is still in its formative stages. Wrong approach to nutrition and misalignment in either direction lead to problems with weight, and it's not just about obesity. Lose weight easier, if only because that's what we are well informed. But how better hudyshku say rarely. What are the reasons for the lack of weight and get better as a girl? Let's talk about it.

How to recover skinny? Causes thinness and workarounds

The first reason for thinness: health

If a woman consumes per day is the amount of calories that it adequately constitution and average daily physical activity, but she says underweight, the main reason most likely is any health problem. What problems can interfere with weight gain?
First of all, it refers to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic goiter, hormonal imbalance. So the first thing to begin to get better - to do blood tests and analysis on hormones. Then you should consult with a doctor who can determine if there are any irregularities in the internal organs. To begin with treatment, if any violations are!
K deficiency can cause body weight and cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, and genital infections and parasites living in your body. In general, at any diseases very often marked weight change in one direction or another.
Therefore, to get better, first hand over analyzes. This allows enough time to detect the disease or eliminate such, that it was possible with peace of mind try to increase the weight one way or another.

 The second reason for thinness: insufficient number of calories

Very often, as thick and thin people perceive your diet is inadequate. First it seems that they eat little and second think that eating a lot. But when nutritionists offer analyze diet, count calories and compare the result with the daily requirement of people with normal weight, everything falls into place. It turns out that full overeat and thin - malnourished.
What can be done? Try for a week or so to record everything eaten. In the list you need to make the product or dish and the approximate number. When control over the time interval you want to calculate caloric intake for each day, then add calories all day and divide by the number of test days. So you determine your average daily caloric food.
Fits if your daily caloric back? About how the rate is calculated calories, for example described here.
If you consume enough calories, but it does not get better, look for another cause. Well, if you find that you do not eat up, review your diet and try to put into it a little more high-calorie foods. It may be worth gradually increase the portions (but not much!) And in any case not to miss such an important meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner. This will help you recover quickly - faster than you expected.

The third reason for thinness: no hunger

If you eat a little, perhaps you simply inadequate appetite. Forced to eat - that still torment. Even for the sake of owning a desired shape, few can tolerate for long zapihivanie a meal in the absence of appetite.
Reason for the lack of appetite can be due to poor lifestyle choices: a little walk in the fresh air, sleep poorly, having enough exercise.
Healthy lifestyle certainly helps to improve appetite. If you try to go to bed at the same time and get up every day at a certain hour, appetite improved. This means that you can gradually get better.
Regular outdoor exercise also contribute to feelings of hunger. Perform daily exercises or any other regular physical activity also stimulate the desire to eat hearty. However, to recover the girl, you need to choose a type of fitness that will be directed at developing more muscle than burning calories.

The fourth reason thinness: nerves, nerves ... 

 All of us have stress - someone cope with them is easy, but for some it is difficult ordeals.

Experience shows that it is among thin people more than those who tend to worry much and nervous. What is the cause and what - the investigation? Thin to be difficult because of resistance to stress leanness or thinness - a consequence of the lability of the psyche? Doctors tend to the second opinion.
Nervous people can be both very thick (in this case, the stress they seize something tasty and nutritious) and very thin (the stress loss of appetite). If you are nervous about such personages and still want to get better, learn to successfully cope with stress and keep yourself in their hands.
Drink 2 times a day instead of the usual soothing teas tea. Soothing, relaxing effect have, for example, chamomile teas.
Cortisol - a stress hormone that makes you better. To reduce the level of cortisol, organize daily relaxation for 15 minutes.

How to relax? Lie down in a dark room, close your eyes, eliminate all noise. Imagine yourself in a pleasant quiet location on a deserted sea beach, on a mountain top or lavender meadow. Feel like relaxing the body - from the bottom up. Please relax the foot, then the calves, thighs, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and face. Breathing should be smooth and superficial. Feel like a nice wave passes through the body. You can even imagine that the stop of the roots grow like a tree, and go deep into the ground - is the "ground" gives a sense of peace and security. Relaxed, you can lie back and dream about something very important and good for you. Regular relaxation will make you stronger - it will be easier to conquer stress and weight inevitably begin to increase.

If possible, schedule a relaxing massage. If you are nervous, you can visit the doctor - she will prescribe you a mild sedative. Take your vitamins - especially you need B vitamins that help fight stress.

The fifth reason thinness: unhealthy diet

How many times a day do you eat? One, two? This is not enough. Too often have a snack? That is not your option. In the first case, you worsen the metabolism, and the second - on the contrary, accelerate a metabolism. As a result, and you can not get better.

Eat about 4-5 times per day. Prefer high-calorie food, but try not to strongly increase the portion, because the food is to be acquired.

To learn how to get better skinny, many athletes could tell that burn enormous amounts of calories, while still in uniform. In order not to lose weight, they eat cheese, butter, red and black caviar, red fish, sour cream, cereals, grains, nuts, cottage cheese, cheese, olives, olive oil, tuna from a can of cod liver.

Another secret "as better skinny": to increase muscle bodybuilders drink protein shakes. Instead of sports nutrition can give preference to the usual mixture for newborns - a very high-calorie food, with excellent digest and contains large amounts of protein, minerals and vitamins. Two cups of protein powder a day - and soon you'll look better and feel great. If you are doing yoga exercises, drink one cup of the mixture for an hour before class, and the second - for an hour after the class. Muscles will grow "by leaps and bounds."
Can recover no more than 2 pounds per week? Too rapid increase in weight can affect the performance of all internal organs, and in particular - at work the gastrointestinal tract. Yes, and on the body may appear unsightly stretch marks. Recover, as losing weight should be slowly and carefully!



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