Jun 10, 2014

Care for teeth - Prevention caries and periodontitis

Tooth tissue, unfortunately, does not have the ability to regenerate itself. Enamel damage remain forever, and they are progressing. Serious problems with periodontal too, is impossible to cure completely. It turns out that prevention is the most important role here. A prevention - is the proper care of your mouth and teeth. Of course, the tooth may suffer due to injury, and severe tooth decay can be caused by diseases of the endocrine system. But in most cases, dental problems arise due to incorrect and / or insufficient care.

Dental Care: Basic Rules

There are some rules of the dentifrice, compliance with which will keep your teeth healthy for many, many years. Each rule is important for the prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease. Only a comprehensive dental care and oral health will achieve a satisfactory result.Toothbrush Care for tooth: Rule 1. To protect against tooth decay, brush your teeth you need at least two times a day: in the morning after waking up and in the evening, preferably right before bedtime. In the morning, brush your teeth 2 times - immediately after waking up to clean off bacteria that have settled in the mouth during the night, and after breakfast, to remove food particles. However, you can do one cleaning - after breakfast and immediately after sleep well just rinse your mouth with warm water. 
Care for teeth and oral cavity: Rule 2. Brushing teeth should be carried out for about 5 minutes. Take a cell phone into the bathroom and set the timer or stopwatch. Race against the clock - how long it takes you to clean the teeth. If you spend less than 3 minutes - your teeth at risk. Increase the cleaning - you can do it gradually. Bring the cleaning at least 3 minutes to 5 minutes in the morning and before bedtime. 

Dental care: Rule 3. At least once a day, preferably before bedtime, you need to clean interdental spaces using dental floss - floss. This should be done, but you should choose the right thread. It may be that you will need several different threads - thinner and thicker, because the interdental space can be different. The thread should pass between the teeth with a "click", but if you need to make some effort to enter the thread between your teeth, pick up another thread - thinner.

Care for teeth and oral cavity: Rule 4. After each meal you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly, but rather, if possible, brush teeth with toothpaste. During the day, after eating teeth can be cleaned for long - 1-2 minutes, but it is important to rinse well. After receiving the sweet carbohydrate foods (cakes, pies, etc.) and the use of candy teeth are very desirable not just rinse and clean. If not a brush and paste, you should chew gum for 5-10 minutes, but no longer.Care for teeth and oral cavity: Rule 5. Every six months, you must visit the dentist - not only for diagnosis and treatment of dental caries, but also mandatory for professional cleanings. Why professional teeth cleaning? Not only to please others his toothy smile, but also to protect against tooth decay and prevent periodontitis. Proved that tartar and plaque on the teeth - this is one of the most common causes of periodontitis. Professional cleaning procedure is inexpensive - 32 for cleaning the teeth you will pay from 1 to 5000 rubles, depending on the drugs used and the status of the clinic.Care for teeth and oral cavity: Rule 6. Toothbrush should be changed every 3-4 months - during which time she manages to soften and "razlohmatitsya" and ceases to perform its function fully.  

Proper dental care and protection against dental caries and periodontal disease: additional rules 

Above are important rules were dental care, it is imperative to respect that. Now let's talk about additional measures that will prevent dental caries and periodontal disease.1. Always use special oral rinses. Change them from time to time, alternating conditioners designed for healthy gums, enamel, and the general condition of the oral cavity.sugar and zuby2. Eat less sweet. Minimize the amount of milk chocolate, and bitter eat small portions. Two or three "windows" of good dark chocolate a day will be enough to get the required dose of useful substances contained in this product.3. Avoid packaged juices and sweet gazirovok. If you love to pamper yourself occasionally these beverages, drink them through a straw and rinse your mouth with clean water immediately after the sweet drink.4. Buy a good toothpaste for gum (with healing substances of vegetable origin) and enamel (fluoride toothpaste). Alternate them.

5. Do not use whitening toothpaste with high abrasion every day, if you do not smoke and drink too much tea and coffee. Whiter teeth still will not, but the enamel can be seriously affected.If you appear quickly plaque and tartar, apply a paste every day, but use only the highest quality whitening toothpaste from proven manufacturers. Cheap whitening toothpaste should be taboo: they do more harm than good.6. If you viscous saliva and too quickly formed tartar, ask your dentist to recommend you what the survey should go. You may be advised to apply to the endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. Be sure to visit the doctor desired, pass inspection and, if necessary, treatment.Teeth reflect the state of the whole organism. As the doctors say, "a lot of teeth - one liver." It is understood that if the teeth and can be implanted prosthesis, the vital organs should be treated in time, as their disease can cause pain, disability and early death. Internal disease cured, you agree to prevent and tooth loss.7. Consume enough foods rich in calcium and vitamin D3. Eat dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, cheese), fish, seafood, egg yolks, legumes, nuts, whole grain bread, oatmeal, parsley, collard and cauliflower, broccoli, fennel, dried apricots.

Daisy for teeth and desen8. Periodically take baths and therapeutic applications for the teeth and gums. The most simple but very effective method - application of therapeutic toothpaste on teeth and gums. The paste should be left in the mouth for 10-20 minutes, then rinse your mouth well. This procedure can be done consistently 1-2 times a week - until, for example, you take a shower or bath. This method is very effective for the prevention of dental caries in children.In addition, courses can sometimes do the bath oral decoction of medicinal plants. Especially useful for oral decoction of chamomile, calendula, yarrow. Prepare a decoction or infusion, cool to room temperature or slightly warmer. Collect liquid in your mouth and hold for 5-20 minutes. Do baths every day 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. Treatment preferably repeated every 3-6 months.
Love yourself and your teeth, because they have to work so much. Doctors call teeth millstones human body. Burn them incapacitate the entire body. Fortunately, the teeth can be inserted. Dental Implants - great medical invention, but these days it is quite expensive, not affordable to everyone. While dental care and oral health and preventive measures to protect against caries and periodontitis are available to everyone. Take care of what nature gave you! Be healthy and smiling! 

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