Jun 13, 2014

The most useful fruit and berries: Top 15

Fruits are very tasty - this alone makes them useful, because tasty, juicy food improves mood. Enough fruits in the human diet - is the prevention of heart disease and stroke, cancer protection, normalization of blood pressure, persistence of vision. Vitamins and minerals contained in the berries and fruits, enhance immunity.

Health authorities around the world recommend that people eat 5-7 different fruits and berries. Portions may not be quite large, the main thing - variety. If it is difficult to eat a lot of fruit, you can drink fruit juice or fruit puree to do, cold berry soups and smoothies.

What fruits necessarily need to include in your diet? We offer a list of the most useful fruit and berries, which is certainly needed - in one piece, in juice or puree.

The most useful fruit and berries: TOP 15 

1. Apple

100 g contains 40-50 calories. In one medium apple about 75 kcal.

In the list of "most useful fruit" almost always gets an apple, no matter which one of the doctors was the top list. The English proverb says: "Eat an apple before going to bed, and the doctors will not work." Apples contain iron, so it is especially recommended for children, adolescents and pregnant women. Apples contain flavonoids, reduce the likelihood of developing asthma and diabetes.

2. Avocado

100 g of avocado contains about 160 calories. In an average of about 230 kcal avocado. Avocado is rich in vitamin E and folic acid.

Value avocado enormous: more detail on this in our article "The use of avocado." The main advantage of avocado that it comprises monounsaturated acids, cholesterol lowering. Vessels and the heart stay young and healthy.

3. Banana

100 g of banana contains about 80 calories. In one large banana can be 160 kcal. Banana is rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and folic acid.

Bananas always fall into the list of the most useful fruit. They have a lot of fiber necessary for the intestine. A lot of vitamin C. Bananas contain huge amounts of potassium, giving energy and strength. Potassium helps to lower blood pressure, improve the muscles.

4. Blueberries

In 100 grams of blueberries contains only 40 kcal. Bilberry is most appreciated by the fact that it is rich in antioxidants, prevents aging of the organism.
Antioxidants in blueberries in a large quantity, reduce the risk of age-related diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the older the person, the more he needs to eat blueberries. Contrary to popular belief, not blueberry treats diseases of the eye. It is useful only as a prevention of visual impairment, since it contains substances improve circulation in the retina. In general, blueberries rich in essential vitamins A, B and C, which, of course, beneficial effects on the body as a whole and including vision.

5. Cherries

100g of cherries contains 55 calories. Cherries are rich in antioxidants.

Cherry contains antioxidants anthocyanins, which may reduce inflammation in the body. In addition, cherries in many vitamins A and C, and potassium, which makes cherry useful for immunity and psychological state.

6. Cranberry

100 g of cranberries contains only about 20-30 kcal.
For the peoples of the north cranberries always been the most useful berry helps to recover from many diseases. It is good and that it can be kept fresh without special workpiece - just pour fresh cranberries in a wooden box or carton and remove the cold.
Cranberry has an antibacterial effect - it provides protection against infection and helps heal in infectious diseases. This is especially true in the cranberries, if it is a urinary tract infection.
Furthermore, it is believed that the cranberry prevents kidney stones.
Baths for oral with a slightly diluted cranberry juice effective in periodontitis - gum strengthening, improving overall oral health. And as cranberry juice kills bacteria, such baths are also caries prevention.

7. Grapes

In 100 grams of grapes contain about 70-80 kcal. Grapes - a source of antioxidants and manganese.
Not all nutritionists include grapes in the list of "most useful fruit and berries" because of the grape fat. It is quite high-calorie, also promotes the absorption of fats. However, all need to comply with the measure - if you eat at a time just a few grapes, it will only benefit.
In the skin of grapes contains resveratrol antioxidant that reduces the risk of blood clots and helps to lower blood pressure. So, protects the heart from wear and disease. In addition, resveratrol has anti-inflammatory and antiviral action. Studies in rats have shown that resveratrol prevents the development of cancer (skin and gastrointestinal tract).

8. Grapefruit

In 100 g of grapefruit contains about 40 calories. Grapefruit is particularly rich in vitamin B.

Pink grapefruit contains flavonoids and lycopene - these substances are useful to protect the body from cancer. Grapefruit contains pectin, which protects against aging (including the skin, for that grapefruit is especially appreciated by women) and helps reduce cholesterol levels.

9. Kiwi

100 g of kiwi contains about 50 calories. In an average kiwi skinless - about 40 kcal. Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamins C and E, as well as magnesium and potassium.

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, which means that it helps to improve immunity. Kiwi useful for bones, teeth, gums, cartilage. It is believed that frequent consumption of kiwi helps reduce triglyceride levels (high triglycerides increases the risk of heart disease).

10. Orange

100 g orange contains about 40 calories. Orange is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and potassium.

Orange - a good source of folic acid, especially necessary for pregnant women and those who are just getting ready to conceive. Orange is useful to all: it contains vitamins needed for good immunity, and substances that reduce triglycerides and cholesterol.

11. Pineapple

100 g pineapple 50-55 kcal.

Pineapple contains a natural enzyme bromelain breaks down fats and proteins. This helps to improve metabolism. Pineapple stimulates digestion. Bromelain helps to lose weight. In addition, bromelain prevents the occurrence of blood clots, inhibits the growth of malignant cells, increases the rate of wound healing.

12. Pomegranate

100 g pomegranate contains 50-60 calories. In an average of approximately 105 kcal garnet. Rich in vitamin C, near minerals and trace elements.

Pomegranate is rich in tannins, protects the heart - regular consumption of pomegranate reduces the risk of heart attacks. In the garnet contains anthocyanins, useful for quick recovery from inflammatory diseases. Pomegranate juice is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia (iron contained in garnet).

13. Raspberries

100g of raspberries contains about 50 calories. Raspberry a source of folic acid and magnesium.
Raspberries are not often included in the list of the most useful fruit and berries - it is more commonly referred to as pleasant seasonal delicacy. However raspberry rich ellagic acid, which helps prevent cervical cancer. Raspberries contain antioxidants that protect the body from premature aging. Folic acid and magnesium are needed throughout. Especially found that 8-9 out of 10 people suffer from magnesium deficiency. A magnesium is vital - for example, without it is not absorbed calcium. Raspberries and useful for anemia.

14. Pear

100 g of buckwheat contains about 55 calories. In a sufficiently large pear - 95-100 kcal. Pear is rich in fiber.
Big fiber content makes pear fruit, very helpful for digestion. Pear protects against constipation. The soluble fiber reduces cholesterol pears, and hence, protect the heart and vessels.

15. Watermelon

100 g of watermelon contains only 30 calories. Watermelon is rich in vitamin B.

Watermelon is 92% water. It gives a feeling of satiety, while a person gets very few calories. So, watermelon allows you to reset the extra weight. Watermelon - a diuretic, it relieves swelling. Watermelon can be eaten very often, but not huge portions - 2-3 slices of watermelon a day will suffice.

Helpful information

Free radicals - is harmful molecules are produced naturally in the body in the course of chemical reactions. But the formation of free radicals especially promote smoking, bad air, pesticides, radiation. Free radicals damage cells in the body. This leads to premature aging, as well as heart disease and cancer.
Antioxidants - natural or synthetic substances that protect the body from harmful free radicals. Most antioxidant rich fresh fruits and berries, as well as freshly squeezed juices. The most useful fruit and berries listed in this article, contain enough antioxidants to the body for a long time to stay young and healthy.


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