Jun 21, 2014

Why are men afraid of beautiful women?

Many women, if not most, believe that men are afraid of beautiful women. It's taken place in the men reproach. These are used to explain failures in his personal life beautiful girls. Say, it's not about what she does not know how to build relationships or too overstated requirements for a potential partner, and that men are afraid of beautiful women. All the fault of men! And the point!

 Why are men afraid of beautiful women? FOR afraid of it?


Are men afraid of beautiful women really? The answer is simple: because men are afraid of beautiful women, beautiful women are afraid of men.But why handsome men a little worried that they are afraid of women? Why handsome men are not trying to justify that their failures on the personal front?There are a couple of reasons. First, men are known to love the eyes. It is considered that for a man to partner overarching visual appeal. While women against men usually guided by the wisdom of "the face of water to drink."In general, the common belief that men only want beauty. And if suddenly some beauty remains deprived of male attention is immediately surprising: how is it that she had beautiful! Men, which is so important for beauty, crowds have her go! Do not go? Yeah, so, afraid!Here's a she, female logic. But according to statistics, men in a woman important qualities such as intelligence, tenderness, ability to compromise, confidence and sexuality. Note: not the beauty and sexuality. Beauty, of course, also included in the list of qualities that should have the perfect woman, but it takes it's not the first place. And the older man, the lower falls beauty in this hierarchy.So if beauty alone, then the reason is not that men are afraid of beautiful women, but the fact that it is in this beauty none of the men could not see the qualities they need.The second reason why the fear of the opposite sex beauty is attributed to men and not women, is that men do not tend to worry about the lack of a permanent partner. If a beautiful girl about thirty, and she is still not married, friends, relatives, acquaintances and even strangers are not allowed to pass their questions from the category "When you get married?", if women are afraid of a handsome man, he could care less. Or rather, do not care. Well, yes, it is not suitable for every second the sake of dating, well, so what?The woman begins to experience that to her, so beautiful, afraid thrusters. She married after all the time! Hey, man, do not be cowards! Veit near me, call married, and I will choose! Do not want to? Yes, you're just afraid! You cowards!

Unsure afraid successful 

 So, men can really be afraid of beautiful women - just as women may be afraid of handsome men. We are all humans. Regardless of gender, people can be confident or insecure. Fear of more successful - it's a sign of insecurity.Note: about men say they are afraid not only beautiful, but also intelligent and strong women. That is, they have generally timid or intimidating. Here are just Scarecrow, silly and stupid they are not afraid. Do not you think, ladies, it's too much? Well, not so weak and cowardly men, as you think of them.Yes, there are diffident men, but no more than insecure women. So, no need to say that men are afraid of beautiful women, and that insecure people are afraid of beautiful, smart, successful people.

People are afraid equally as beautiful women and handsome men. Therefore, the folk wisdom that "men are afraid of beautiful women," just does not make sense. Should not hide behind it, trying to justify the lack of privacy and inability to build relationships.Around a lot as insecure and very opinionated. And the self-confident man, the higher the level of claims for personal success. The higher the demands on themselves and a potential partner. Such a man will first pay attention to the beautiful, smart, successful (or aspiring to success) women.

 Why beautiful women are single?

 Why is a particular beauty of this confident man is not met? Maybe it's not in the absence of such men, and the woman herself?First, anything but beauty, it is attractive to men? Does it, in addition to beauty, other qualities valued confident men?Secondly, not too expensive, it evaluates its beauty? It is known that the beautiful woman, confident in its irresistible and raised with the idea that beauty - is the main quality women often have the desire to sell its beauty can be as profitable. Confident men surrounded her, but she is not looking for someone who will appreciate her as a person, as someone who is above all will appreciate its beauty. That is, a woman becomes a hostage of its beauty: she blames her for his own failures, but it relies on it.

Thirdly, the reason may be that men are afraid of concrete surrounding a beautiful woman, but the fact that this particular beautiful woman is afraid of men. Hence, there is a psychological problem.

How beautiful woman find your soul mate? 

 If a beautiful woman is not glued personal life, you need to once and for all abandon the postulate of "men are afraid of beautiful women." Better to forget about the beauty and not think in terms of "beautiful - ugly." Analyze yourself and your behavior as not a beautiful woman, and man.

Think about what personal qualities you can bring ... not men, and people. You're smart? Interesting? Original? Talkative? Smiling? With a sense of humor? With goals? With principles?

If men near you uninteresting and unpleasant, then the problem is not that they are afraid of your beauty, and that next to you uninteresting and unpleasant.

You can search for that one, which will be interesting to you. It is also an option: as the saying goes, "Do not cave in under a changing world." This one certainly meet. The only question is when it will happen.You can try to change yourself to become more relaxed, more sociable and interesting, stop looking at each man through the prism of their excessive demands.No, it does not mean you have to "lower the bar." Nobody says that the first comer need to get married or go to bed with him. Should just start to chat with men and with different men - even with those who are very, very not suited to the role of the groom. And gradually, the idea that "men are afraid of beautiful women" seem silly and untenable.Beauty - is just one of the benefits of women, an additional plus in the treasury of its merits. Beauty has not been and will not be the main and certainly the only value for which men love women. Being beautiful is desirable, but not nearly enough. This is not enough for either to attract men or to push them away.

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