May 28, 2014

Vitamin deficiency in Women

With the onset of spring nature awakens and rings drippings , giving bright hope and joyful anticipation . However, it often happens that the physical condition does not meet the mental - fatigue and drowsiness , irritability and weakness hinder us to fully enjoy the arrival of spring . That spring we women want to look more attractive and fresh, but look in the mirror often not happy. Dull appearance , "gray" complexion, skin rash , chapped lips and brittle, dull hair - what is already here spring mood ? Weakness and deterioration of appearance are due to lack of vitamins spring .

What is vitamin deficiency and vitamin deficiency?

For normal functioning of the human body needs vitamins , which deteriorates due to lack of physical condition weakens the immune system and accelerate the aging process flow .
For medical data , half Russians suffers from the disadvantage of vitamin C. Also, many of our people consume insufficient quantities of vitamins B1, B2, B6, and folic acid, and carotene.
Particularly acute vitamin deficiency is felt in the last month of winter and the early spring . Long winter, frequent colds , lack of sunlight , fatigue, monotonous diet , smoking and drinking - all this leads to the fact that the beginning of spring, we did not find such fresh and blooming as we would like .

Lack of vitamins called beriberi , but actually beriberi - a disease that is a consequence of long-term failure to obtain necessary vitamins.
Fortunately, vitamin deficiency as a pathology is rarely found today - the incidence of cases of scurvy , rickets , beriberi and pellagra arising from beriberi , are rare.
However, vitamin deficiency - is still common. Due to lack of vitamins , we feel drowsiness, chronic fatigue, decreased alertness and ability to concentrate , irritability and apathy . In men, a lack of vitamins can cause problems with potency. And, of course , suffers our appearance : hair loss, brittle nails, skin rash , bruising under the eyes, poor complexion - all this is due to vitamin A deficiency .

How to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins? 

First of all, you should reconsider your diet, because the source of most vitamins serve food.

Food should be as varied - only in this case we will be able to provide your body with all the vitamins it needs.

Vitamins in Food

Vitamin C in foods

Vitamin C rich lemons, oranges, apples, bananas, potatoes, cabbage (especially sauerkraut ) and other vegetables and fruits .

Vitamin A in foodstuffs

Large amounts of vitamin A , we obtain by eating carrots, spinach, cod liver oil , beef liver , sweet pepper, green onions, lettuce , eggs , parsley , tomatoes , dill, butter, cheese , dairy products , etc.

B vitamins in foods

B vitamins are particularly rich in bread and bakery products from wheat flour , beans , pork, liver and kidneys. Extremely rich in vitamins B1 and B2, brewer's dried yeast - to get the daily requirement of these vitamins , 15 g yeast enough .

Vitamin D in the diet

Vitamin D is found in large quantities in fish, eggs , seafood.

Vitamin PP Nutrition

To get vitamin PP, should include in your diet pork and beef liver , eggs and dairy products, beans , buckwheat and other cereals, porridge "Hercules" , as well as bread, vegetables and fruit.  

Thus, in order to avoid a lack of vitamins, is not required to eat large amounts of some special products. All of the above is available to everyone. Most importantly - eat foods rich in essential vitamins regularly, not sporadically. It is important to monitor and ensure that the food was varied and balanced.

Vitamin deficiency: supplementation with vitamins 

To make up for the lack of vitamins , a proper diet is not enough. Come to the aid of vitamin supplements . Many tend to believe that synthetic vitamins are not completely useless , because they are artificial, and therefore are not digestible by the human body . This is a fallacy !
Of the chemistry course , we know that substances having identical chemical structure , have the same properties and activity , even though they were obtained in different ways. Vitamin complexes are needed if there is an acute lack of vitamins . In this case, you should consult your doctor. Doctor will prescribe examination, the results of which will determine what specific vitamins lacking in the body and in accordance with the will recommend appropriate vitamin complex .
Vitamin complexes are used not only for treatment but also for prevention. In this case, you can pick up an agent yourself, but should carefully read the instructions to correctly determine the dosage .
Produced vitamin complexes directional - to improve vision , to deal with stress , increase activity , prevent brittle nails , etc. In these preparations increased amounts of certain vitamins and minerals. If well-being and overall health is OK, but there are certain problems , it is better to give preference to vitamin complexes directed action , not to stuff yourself with those substances , which in the body in excess.

Smokers regularly consumed not only Vitamin C with food , but also in synthetic form. The fact that the substances in the body by smoking , destroy the ascorbic acid. According to some scholars , it is the lack of vitamin C is a cause of lung cancer in smokers.
People experiencing lack of sun exposure , not necessarily to use extra vitamin D. It is better to add to the diet of more foods rich in this vitamin , and courses take fish oil . Occasionally it is useful to get a small portion of the sun ( without fanaticism , of course! ) .

Treatment of beriberi folk remedies  

If you still do not trust artificial vitamins , you may want to refer to the knowledge of traditional medicine. People anciently known fact that rosehips contains a large amount of vitamin C. Today is scientifically proven that no natural product does not contain such amounts of ascorbic acid , as this berry . Rosehip - a wonderful vitamin complex, created by nature ! Rosehips retain their properties for several years , and you can buy them at the pharmacy. Brew dried berries , you will receive a medicinal tea , which will saturate your body with vitamins and minerals. However, do not pour boiling water over dried fruit - water should be moderately hot .

Immature fruits of walnut also contain large amounts of vitamin C. In the needles of pine, fir and cedar ascorbic acid contains more than lemons . Plants are rich in many vitamins and minerals. Herbal teas and berries - is an excellent remedy for beriberi .
In the old days , people living in the Far North and in areas close to it , actively used the garlic as soon as there are signs of vitamin A deficiency . Garlic proves effective even under heavy vitamin deficiency , accompanied by bleeding gums , loose teeth , significant hair loss. In addition, the northerners cloudberry summer stocking water and drank it all winter . Cloudberry - this unique berry, containing many medicinal substances. Cloudberry water is simple: you need to rinse the berries , expanded in the bottle or jar and pour lukewarm boiled water without sugar. Cork tightly . Store in a cool place. Gradually, the water will taste of berries .

The skin also needs vitamins ... outside 

 Our skin suffers from lack of vitamins . Especially in the early spring , it needs regular meals and fortification .
Tired skin like fruit and vegetable masks . For these purposes, you can use the children's fruit and vegetable puree or crushed fresh bounty .
If the skin is dry , mashed , add a little vegetable oil . For oily skin , add a little chicken protein mask.
During this period, should be systematically nourish the skin creams and special reducing sera.And often go outdoors - the sun and fresh air return and face a healthy glow , and a joyful mood will not allow the body to be depressed . Be healthy and beautiful !

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