May 28, 2014

Vitamin deficiency in Women

With the onset of spring nature awakens and rings drippings , giving bright hope and joyful anticipation . However, it often happens that the physical condition does not meet the mental - fatigue and drowsiness , irritability and weakness hinder us to fully enjoy the arrival of spring . That spring we women want to look more attractive and fresh, but look in the mirror often not happy. Dull appearance , "gray" complexion, skin rash , chapped lips and brittle, dull hair - what is already here spring mood ? Weakness and deterioration of appearance are due to lack of vitamins spring .

May 27, 2014

How to choose a skirt of the figure?

Skirt - one of the most feminine garments. How do men talk , nothing adds to a woman as well-chosen skirt . Generally , men are inclined to say that the skirt makes any woman sexier , as the garment not only brings a more feminine look , but also opens the male gaze all the advantages of a female figure. While men jeans abuse allegedly concealing the real figure of a woman .Oh, how wrong they are ! Since we all know that jeans treacherously emphasize all the imperfections of our bodies while using well selected skirts we can divert attention from their problem areas. But to take advantage of this , you need to choose a skirt on the figure.

May 26, 2014

Pain in the breast

Female breast - the subject of eternal male admiration and inspiration! Chest - the pride of women, but often it is this charming part of the body gives women trouble. First she or does not grow, or grow too fast - and that, and another makes teenage girls worry and shed tears in the pillow.
Then, when a teenage girl grows up and becomes a mom breast often lose their shape - and here again the experience , and some tears in the pillow. But all this seems a trifle , when there is a real nuisance - chest starts to hurt .
pain grudiSegodnya about breast cancer say quite a lot. Even, perhaps, too much. And it sows fear. Almost every woman who has suddenly emerged chest pain, begins to worry about whether the cause of the cancer pain . Well, if it does not turn into paranoia. Remarkably, if the memory of the storerooms angling information collected from magazines and posters in the antenatal clinic , about how to conduct a self-test . Fine, if a woman does not panic and calmly stands in the mirror and starts to palpate ( feel ) the chest.

May 25, 2014

Rustic style in interior

Rustic style of the interior design professionals referred to as country style , widely spread in the first decades of the 20th century - the first in the United States and then around the world. Widespread urbanization, industrialization , the emergence of new analogues , practically replaced natural materials - all caused by natural nostalgia village house, cold practicality deprived urban housing .
Rustic style interior - is a very broad concept : rustic interiors may differ significantly from each other. It depends on the ethnic characteristics . After all, in different countries, in different nations rustic dwelling were also different. Thus , we can say that the rustic style of the interior combines the features of a minimum of styles : this ethnic style , and retro-style (after all, in a country interiors played flavor of the old village , and not modern ) .

May 24, 2014

How to learn to walk properly? Secrets of a beautiful gait

Beautiful , flying gait - a huge advantage for a woman ! Even the most beautiful and shapely lady will be unattractive to the opposite sex when walking down the street , she stoops , puts his chin on his chest and flexes the knee , spring or seed. How to learn to walk nicely , and whether it is possible in principle ? Perhaps beautiful gait - is a gift parents? In fact, it can be seen that children often go the same way as their parents - this is due to abnormal development of the musculoskeletal system . Many problems can be inherited - hence the similarity of gait .However, there is one rule : "All trains - necessarily develops ." Of course , someone goes faster development , and the results are more effective . But there is no such a person to work on himself , and did not achieve the goal. So it is with the gait and if want to - you can learn to walk nicely .

May 23, 2014

Evening dress on a figure

Evening dresses for girls and women implies openness - hands, neck, décolleté , back or legs and sometimes the abdomen, waist, hips . Fully enclosed evening dresses , of course, found in the collections , but in this case they are usually completely fitting .In any event, an evening dress for prom , weddings, corporate parties , parties , etc. , as opposed to casual clothes , women should show the figure , emphasizing or, more correctly , showing off its advantages and disadvantages of hiding . But how to choose the right evening dress, it is presented to the female form only in a favorable light ? First you need to determine the type of body , as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your body and , starting from this , to make a choice .

May 22, 2014

Rear view, or Workout on the buttocks

Round bulging buttocks ... The interest in this part of the body also depends on the changing fashion . For example, in the late 19th century in vogue lush ass . Mandatory attribute of the female wardrobe became a bustle - a cotton pad , placed under the dress below the waist . The dress was quite narrow ( crinolines had already been worn ) , the emphasis was not on the width of the hips and buttocks at the splendor .Fashion has changed - and changed the notion of what should be a female figure . In 20th years of the last century, women began to fight for their rights, to cut their hair and wear pants . This affected the ideals of feminine beauty - in vogue tanned women athletes , active and energetic . Splendor breasts and thighs receded .

May 18, 2014

How to get rid of cellulite? Acting within!

Cellulite - flabbiness and tuberosity of some body parts. It is quite natural manifestation for any woman. Agree strange to see a lady thirty years with absolutely smooth ass like a ten-year girl. Minor manifestations of cellulite do not spoil a woman's body , but rather the opposite - make it appetizing feminine. But if cellulite continues to evolve , the body loses in aesthetics . One thing - subcutaneous dimples on elastic buttocks and thighs , and quite another - loose , begin to sag soft loose skin on muscle and fat tuberosity .Completely get rid of cellulite is practically impossible, but because the main goal of anti-cellulite action - it's not cellulite removal and reduction of its manifestations and increase skin elasticity . How to make the problem space more smooth , taut and toned ? How to get rid of cellulite? Work on yourself ! And to work systematically , rather than on a case by case basis. There is no single measure will not be enough - we need a comprehensive approach . And then you will succeed !

May 17, 2014

Music Treatment

Once, during a time of carefree youth , many of us are addicted to heavy rock . Neighbors it was difficult to endure. Some erudite aunt frighten youth stories that heavy music from flowers wither , and his young body like listening to music has an extremely detrimental effect , the consequences of which are irreversible. Of course, if these words were perceived as another horror story for young ( like the one after the first cigarette stops growth).
Subsequently, however, many of us often come across quite authentic materials about the effect of sound on the human body - and the sound of torture ( when a steady stream of unpleasant sounds used in order to gradually reduce the human mind ) , and that majeure melody is capable of increasing the number of milk cows , and even that wine from grapes grown under classical music has a distinctive taste.

Flirting: a game without rules or a way to save the relationship? About flirting openly

Little boys and girls love to play games . When they grow , they continue to play . Only this is an adult game , one of which - flirt. It is considered that the word " flirting " was born in the 18th century , when an English lady coquettishly with a fan , in response to a remark about her teasing behavior stated that it is only «flirt» fan. While the word «flirt» basically meant "fast motion , waving ." Since then, the word " flirt " became known as the game of adult men and women. That game , whose purpose - to attract attention , arouse interest , or even love.

May 16, 2014

Basics women

There is a joke about the fact that women are constantly trying to solve two problems . The first - " nothing to wear ", and the second - " space in the cabinet is not enough ." And suffer poor girl scoring cabinets new toilets and suffer from a lack of clothing. In fact, these problems are easy to solve if you learn how to competently make a wardrobe. According to statistics, 80 % of women regularly are only two of the ten things within their wardrobe. The remaining eight out of every ten veshchichek worn rarely , very rarely, and are not to wear . These subjects wardrobe cupboards clog because of what occurs eternal lack of space.Most stylists agree that women wishing to be well and tastefully dressed , do not necessarily have a lot of things . The main thing - to find your style and intelligently address the issue of how to build a wardrobe.In the wardrobe should be a "capsule" - the term is so called minimal clothing stylists , if the woman does not have to pronounce the sacramental phrase " nothing to wear ." So what's the least of things for a woman's wardrobe ?

May 15, 2014

How to beat stress

The rapid pace of modern life, the need to keep pace with all the desire by all means to achieve this goal, chronic fatigue and negative emotions provoke stress disorder. Stress has become an integral part of our existence - even small, seemingly problems can lead to prolonged stress and permanently deprived of interest in life.

We stress a woman's face today - because statistics stress disorder in women occur 3 times more often than men. While men tend to be better able to cope with stress, recover more quickly - then, they are the stronger sex! Women are prone to having to return again and again to thoughts of his troubles, torturing myself feelings and painful memories.

May 14, 2014

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) : disease or syndrome bitch?

Just yesterday she was in love with life , happy in the mirror , proud of their success and did not doubt the sincerity of the man she loved . Today , looking at her reflection , she sadly down corners of her mouth : " Fat ! Ugly ! Unhappy ! ".
At work, nothing but trouble , head - a beast in human form , and she - a useless and mediocre . And that's not all : the beloved , for example, can become selfish , apostate , who " does not like it at all " (and how you can love a fat and ugly ?) . In short , life is good!
However, a few days later everything comes back to normal, and a romantic relationship with life restored. This change is temporary , too - a couple of weeks , and all again . The reason for this mood cycle in nature is the same ICP became the subject of jokes and ridicule on the part of men who believe that PMS - is a myth invented by women in order to justify his bad character and innate bitchiness . In fact , PMS ( premenstrual syndrome ) is recognized by official medicine as a disease , often requiring treatment.

May 13, 2014

What kind of water to drink? How much water to drink? Solve the water issue

Since ancient times, people knew that the water has healing properties - in ancient texts contain information about the different methods aquatherapy . Avicenna ( Ibn Sina ) and Hippocrates said that the water has a positive effect on human health and helps to get rid of various diseases. Science, far ahead paced , confirmed the view of the ancient healing powers of water.People 60 - 70 % water - its deficiency in the body leads to a state of weakness and poor health . Lack of water deprives a person of life , because the body needs water as well as air. Each of us must be at least one and a half liters of water a day. If a person engages in sports or strenuous mental work , working with harmful chemicals or in areas with heavily polluted air , the minimum amount of water should be increased. By the way, to drink water during exercise is necessary, which is known not for everyone - some people believe that the use of water during physical exertion may cause harm . In fact, far more harm bring dehydration.

May 11, 2014

Getting ready for the beach season. Body Care

All year round we take care of facial skin , but often forget about the body - long winter clothes and wearing closed systematically weaned us cherish the skin of his body. Spring comes - and we take the storm beauty salons and fitness centers are reminded of his love for baths and saunas , we buy bottles with means for body care . So we are getting ready for beach season - before you put on bathing suits, we will do everything in order to feel comfortable , even standing next to Angelina Jolie or Monica Bellucci .So, on the nose opening of the beach season , and we still do not feel ready for it. Where to start? Better with saunas .

May 10, 2014

All you need to know about Tanning

One of the main advantages of modern beauty - skin silky golden or bronze color. Aristocratic pallor today is not in vogue , so it is popular and solarium tanning . But once - until the middle of the 20th century - have a golden tan was considered bad taste. Aristocrats , who were trendsetter wore corsets, Waist to their immense size . This causes frequent fainting , weakness, paleness and painful . In addition, the aristocrats rarely ever happen in the open sun - walks in carriages or shady gardens are not contributing to the appearance of a tan.

Commoner , forced to work in the fresh air and walk around the city on foot , just different golden tan . If a noble lady suddenly covered with "gold" or "bronze" , she had to catch myself surprised and mocking looks how she could afford to look like unto a peasant ? Ladies were afraid to leave the house without an umbrella from the sun and skin covered with white powder . Only in the 20th century in fashion came relaxing on the beach and , as a consequence, a tan.

May 8, 2014

Most Common Sweet Poison that we can't avoid

Everyone - young and old - we know that sweet healthy, but few people this knowledge stems from eating cakes and chocolates . Even if a bar of chocolate will write " Ministry of Health warns : sweet is bad for your health! " Is no sweet tooth , alas, will not stop . Why we love sweet ?All sweets are especially great antidepressant. Women have a habit of "jam " sweet sadness and anxiety . However, this only gives the illusion of happiness and prosperity , and the problem remains unsolved. Sweet consumed more and more appears overweight, health problems - these are the consequences of this addiction . Exit - to learn not to go on about their own desires . You can cheer yourself up in other ways - browse interesting magazine , put your favorite music, watch gay comedy , talk with a close friend . There are all sorts of opportunities to bring their emotional state back to normal ! It is not necessary for it to eat a bar of chocolate .

Best Neck care at home

Today, there is probably not a single woman who would not cared for skin - we all wipe the face tonic, moisturizing skin creams, once or twice a week, pamper her masks, etc. However, many women often forget about the neck, so it gives it their true age, or worse, throws a few short years.

Beautiful female neck - long, thin, smooth, without a single crease.
A swan neck called. Yes, each of us not lucky enough to be the owner of a long neck, but any woman can make this part of the body was slender and smooth. Sweaters throat, of course, good, but only in cold weather - summer do we want to wear blouses and shirts that open neck and chest area. And make sure to make them look younger, you need to advance. So, have patience - and will drive in three neck folds and wrinkles from the neck! What should be the proper care of the neck at home? 

May 1, 2014

Quick tips how to care for leather goods

When buying shoes , bags, clothes and other leather goods should be given to the selection of models and material to suit the characteristics of your wardrobe and lifestyle.Materials packed and embossed fear of excessive moisture , extreme heat and low temperature. Materials bright colors easily painted denim and other fabrics, and dark velvet is not recommended to wear with light clothing.Leather products require weekly grooming. They must be cleaned of dust and dirt. The purification method should match the top. Any product in the wash water is prohibited. The surface of the leathers of any material is not worth much rub, because external fiber can be damaged and the material will lose its quality and appearance.

How to attract the attention of her husband. Useful tips for women.

Can attract the attention of her husband every woman. Some of the oldest and sensitive human relationship - a relationship between husband and wife, where sincere attention to each other is particularly important, and for both. Husbands often feel themselves to the missing women's attention and even disregard. However, this is not the right way, and to demand reciprocity to you with his hand in this case is not true. How to understand, my husband loves you or not? In fact, it is easy to change the direction of his feelings, try a little bit and do the following:

Useful tips for women. How to express love.

Married couples so captures everyday life that they often forget how important are their relationships with each other . The divorce rate is big enough to not get in trouble showgirl will contribute to the preservation of marriage. As often as possible to express love to your husband or wife . You want to feel your close to his care and attention , to prove your love. Take the time their relationship , even if you are busy all day long. Described tips will be helpful to women , because to know how a man expresses love , must itself be able to express warm feelings for loved ones.