May 17, 2014

Music Treatment

Once, during a time of carefree youth , many of us are addicted to heavy rock . Neighbors it was difficult to endure. Some erudite aunt frighten youth stories that heavy music from flowers wither , and his young body like listening to music has an extremely detrimental effect , the consequences of which are irreversible. Of course, if these words were perceived as another horror story for young ( like the one after the first cigarette stops growth).
Subsequently, however, many of us often come across quite authentic materials about the effect of sound on the human body - and the sound of torture ( when a steady stream of unpleasant sounds used in order to gradually reduce the human mind ) , and that majeure melody is capable of increasing the number of milk cows , and even that wine from grapes grown under classical music has a distinctive taste.

Today sounds are used to treat people . There are even terms like " sound therapy " and " music therapy ." In fact, even the ancients knew that music can have a healing effect . Legend has it that Pythagoras once witnessed an unpleasant scene - a young man , jealous of his lover , gave a terrible scandal and going to set fire to her house. Near this place was a musician, playing the flute fun , invigorating melody. Pythagoras quickly assessed the situation and went to the musician and asked him to be played something quiet , relaxing . A few minutes after the street began to spread the soothing sounds of flutes, jealous calmed down and abandoned his intention . Even then Pythagoras knew that music can affect the psychological and physical well-being .

Treatment of music and sounds of nature

In the 19th century , many psychologists began to recommend to their patients listening to music one way or another . In the opera went not only to entertain, but also to be treated. Around the mid-20th century music therapy began to acquire worldwide fame and popularity. Today, in many countries there are special centers for music therapy and sound therapy , which are treated not only music, but also the sounds of nature . In Russia , too, music therapy is becoming increasingly popular .
Music is useful for both children and vzroslymNaprimer if the infant is very restless , the pediatrician may recommend mom toddler music therapy sessions , which you can pass in an urban clinic or child consultation etc. Impressions mothers from such therapy is usually very positive - the music of Mozart , Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi gives a lot of aesthetic delight mom and baby really relaxes and soothes the whole day. A mother herself can get rid of anxiety in the evenings listening to the surf and the cry of gulls .

What sounds useful?

Any pleasant , melodic sounds evoke positive emotions , and this has a beneficial effect on overall health. Pleasant sounds can provide relaxing effect , tone the nervous system , to remove the effects of stress disorders , reduce pain and strengthen the mind . Get rid of headaches , insomnia and irritability music also under force.
According to some reports , music therapy is effective in gastric ulcer , asthma, liver problems and other internal organs . Music has a special impact on children. Some schools on changes include specially selected pieces of music (or other sounds) , stimulating mental activity of children , promote the development of speech and memory.

Sounds of Nature for Health

Sounds prirodyZvuki nature also have a healing effect - especially useful sound therapy inhabitants of megacities . Birds singing , the sound of the stream, the sound of rain or sea lapping can energize or, conversely, help relax . Sounds of Nature treated for depression , relieve stress , promote the proper rest . Experiments have shown that if athletes after severe stress going to the sounds of nature, the next day they do not feel fatigue and muscle pain . On the Internet, you can download the program from the sounds of nature (for example, here) , which will help to relax after hard work and overcome insomnia .

Music therapy and sound therapy : the nuances

Active Music therapy Music therapycan be active and passive . In the first case the person to cure encouraged to participate in the performance of music - it can be singing or playing a musical instrument . This method aims to develop communication skills , getting rid of excessive shyness , build self-confidence .
Passive music therapy involves listening to specially selected music, aimed at improving the mental and physical condition of the person . And he and the other method has its advantages , but passive music therapy available to all , even at home .

Music therapy and sound therapy : how it works

Supporters of sound therapy differently evaluate therapeutic effects sounds : some believe that sound can influence only on the psychological state of a person , and as a consequence - to his health. Others talk about acupressure sound waves of a certain frequency on the body as a whole - in their opinion , sound therapy directly affects the physical condition of the person . Whatever it was , that sounds can improve well-being , do not doubt nor those of any other .
If possible , it is better to go for a consultation with professionals involved in sound therapy . However, if this is not possible , you can pick up a musical medication alone - such a drug will not bring harm .

Music therapy : what music is useful

If you are concerned about neurosis and irritability, listen to the music of Tchaikovsky and Pahmutova .
Stress rescue works by Schubert and Tchaikovsky.
Energy and power "Morning" Edvard Grieg , "Seasons" by Tchaikovsky, "Dawn over the Moscow River " by Mussorgsky .
Mood lift useful classical music of Mozart , Rossini, Haydn.
"Wedding March" by Mendelssohn must listen to those who have blood pressure jumps (not recommended to abuse such treatment unmarried girls - after listening to march there a burning desire to get married ) .
" Sonata № 7 " Beethoven relieve pain in the stomach , and "Peer Gynt" by Grieg help cope with insomnia.
" Spring Song " by Mendelssohn and "Masquerade" Khachaturian get rid of headaches , however , like any melodic oriental music .
If you want to unwind and relax , put "Waltz" by Shostakovich or music Sviridov.
Classical music by Mozart as a tablet from a hundred drugs - its powerful healing properties surprised even the experts . By the way, if you want to grow out of their baby genius - turn him Mozart, whose music , in addition to treatment , also contributes to the development of mental abilities of children .
" Keytserova Sonata " by Beethoven , according to some experts, helps to reduce swelling .
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in E Major Bach relieve menstrual pain .
"Ave Maria" by Schubert shows to listen to people having problems with the spine.
" Venisbergskaya Bride" Wagner improves potency of men .
Nature sounds relax and relieve fatigue . In addition, some of the sounds of nature are able to charge energy - for example, the surf , the sound of the wind in the forest , etc.

Treatment music : instructions for use

Useful classical muzykaPrezhde likely need to make sure that no one interfered with - disable the phone , close the door and go , taking most comfortable position . Can listen to music at any volume , the main thing - to make you comfortable. Prefer to use headphones , but it does not matter .
Listening to nature sounds or music , you can not just relax - you are healed ! It's so nice - instead of pills to take music or sounds of nature! Medicine " Tchaikovsky Concerto with the orchestra from insomnia " is not yet available in pharmacies , but the stores that sell drives, it is available without prescription ! Enjoy your healing !


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