May 18, 2014

How to get rid of cellulite? Acting within!

Cellulite - flabbiness and tuberosity of some body parts. It is quite natural manifestation for any woman. Agree strange to see a lady thirty years with absolutely smooth ass like a ten-year girl. Minor manifestations of cellulite do not spoil a woman's body , but rather the opposite - make it appetizing feminine. But if cellulite continues to evolve , the body loses in aesthetics . One thing - subcutaneous dimples on elastic buttocks and thighs , and quite another - loose , begin to sag soft loose skin on muscle and fat tuberosity .Completely get rid of cellulite is practically impossible, but because the main goal of anti-cellulite action - it's not cellulite removal and reduction of its manifestations and increase skin elasticity . How to make the problem space more smooth , taut and toned ? How to get rid of cellulite? Work on yourself ! And to work systematically , rather than on a case by case basis. There is no single measure will not be enough - we need a comprehensive approach . And then you will succeed !

How to get rid of cellulite? act inside

Eating everything, getting enough vitamins and minerals scoring vessels cholesterol , and light - nicotine, never win in the fight against cellulite . To get rid of cellulite , you should start with bringing the body in order, otherwise no creams , massages and body wraps will not bring significant and stable results .


To get rid of cellulite , you need to revise your diet. Proper nutrition - is not only useful, but also enjoyable. Reduce your intake of starchy foods, fat, sweet . Discard the chips, crackers , candy bars , soda , beer. Do not abuse the consumption of pasta and potatoes.Generally, there can be everything, but in moderation. Some products use is only in small amounts and not often - let favorite but unhealthy food becomes some kind of reward for abstinence . That's just give myself the award need not more than once a week. For example, if you all week refused to sugar and sweets , on Sunday can treat yourself to a chocolate or a small portion of french fries. Do not drive yourself to a strict framework to get rid of cellulite - just learn to control their appetites , gaining the ability to withdraw at any time from the tasty but junk food . 

What need is there. Include in the diet plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, natural juices, nuts, seeds, legumes. Required - wholemeal bread. Milk - low-fat sour cream, natural yogurt and cottage cheese. Eat fish, poultry, game, but not with potatoes, pasta and cereals, and vegetables. And the same pasta and cereals eat with vegetables and low-fat sauces. Milk porridge in a little too not bring harm, but do not need to digest cereals - let them be hard enough so that the porridge must be chewed.
Buy bran and add them to your cereal , yogurt , salads . Bran work as a brush in the intestines, cleansing it of all superfluous . Fewer toxins - less cellulite.Cellulite and salt. Separately, I want to say about the use of salt. Many women mistakenly believe : that the need to completely abandon the salt to get rid of cellulite . Both extremes - high salt intake and a complete rejection of it - contribute to the emergence and development of cellulite . If you receive a lot of salt , any edema - accumulation of fluid in the inter cellular substance . Fat begins to be burned worse , and do spoil swelling of the skin on problem areas . Not to mention how harmful swelling for important internal organs.With a lack of salt occurs no less dangerous process - fluid builds up inside the cell. And in fact, and in another case, the fat cell will increase in volume , causing worse micro circulation, and this is a vicious circle: the micro circulation worse - the more fat cell , the more it - the worse micro circulation ...

Vitamin-mineral complexes

To get rid of cellulite, you need to consume sufficient vitamins A, E and C. Drink Aevitum courses. Synthetic vitamin C is needed constantly, if you smoke. Periodically take vitamin and mineral supplements, to remedy the lack of the necessary substances in the body. Very desirable before choosing vitamin-mineral complex to consult with a doctor. To strengthen blood vessels, take Ascorutin.



Cellulite and alcohol alcoholic drinks and cellulite. Glass of light red or white wine will increase blood circulation, which , of course, is very useful in the fight against cellulite . But only a glass , and only good wine. Beer should abandon once and for all .With frequent use of alcohol in small quantities is not the most liver does not function fully. As a consequence of deteriorating disposal of fats, and they begin to accumulate in adipose tissue. If you continue to drink alcohol regularly , the question " how to get rid of cellulite? " Will stay with you for life. 

Other beverages. Drink water from cellulite, get rid of cellulite , drink lots of water , but not through force. Just do not limit yourself - as you like , and drink so much . Optimally, drink up to 2 liters of water a day. Better if it is non-carbonated mineral water . In addition, some of the liquid get with natural juices - fruit , berries and vegetables , as well as tea and occasionally - with a bitter coffee. Sugar in tea and coffee, of course , you can add, but in small quantities . A possible better to give up sugar . If I want to sugary drinks , drink tea with honey . 

Smoking and cellulite 

Smoking leads to a spasm of blood vessels and impaired micro circulation . Tissues lack oxygen. And all this leads to a deterioration of metabolism and fat postponement in problem areas . And they, problem areas , it becomes more and more. Better to quit smoking once and for all . But if you can not accomplish this feat , try to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked , more likely to be outdoors and be sure to take vitamin C continuously .So, how to get rid of cellulite ? We need to start from the inside. Naladte food and drinking mode , get rid of bad habits and move on to the second stage of cellulite . In the next article we will talk about how to get rid of cellulite , through movement . 


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