May 14, 2014

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) : disease or syndrome bitch?

Just yesterday she was in love with life , happy in the mirror , proud of their success and did not doubt the sincerity of the man she loved . Today , looking at her reflection , she sadly down corners of her mouth : " Fat ! Ugly ! Unhappy ! ".
At work, nothing but trouble , head - a beast in human form , and she - a useless and mediocre . And that's not all : the beloved , for example, can become selfish , apostate , who " does not like it at all " (and how you can love a fat and ugly ?) . In short , life is good!
However, a few days later everything comes back to normal, and a romantic relationship with life restored. This change is temporary , too - a couple of weeks , and all again . The reason for this mood cycle in nature is the same ICP became the subject of jokes and ridicule on the part of men who believe that PMS - is a myth invented by women in order to justify his bad character and innate bitchiness . In fact , PMS ( premenstrual syndrome ) is recognized by official medicine as a disease , often requiring treatment.

Woman during PMS - is a volcano!

Scientists have shown that during PMS women are more likely to commit crimes , so in some countries regarded as PMS extenuating circumstance . How , then, conflicts at work, quarrels with friends, quarrels with loved ones happened through the fault of PMS ? Such statistics do not yet exist , but without it clear that a woman suffering from PMS - is a volcano , which at any moment could explode . Most of all she suffers - annoy her depression , increased anxiety and excessive moodiness . Women who have experienced divorce, suffer even more - during the premenstrual period, they feel that life is empty and bleak ... PMS tolerated much easier when there is a beloved man - even the smell of a loved woman soothes and improves the emotional and psychological state.

Premenstrual syndrome: Causes  

Although PMS has long been recognized as a disease , scientists still can not name the exact cause of disorders of the body during the premenstrual period. Basically PMS explained by hormonal changes in women. However, there are more interesting versions , one of which ICP - is " sorrow " of the female body that is configured to conception. During ovulation a woman is most attractive and good-natured ( because it needs to entice the male ), but if conception does not occur, the body of her " upset " - hence the depression , moodiness , bouts of self-doubt , etc. 

Who is at risk? 

According to medical statistics, PMS often affects women, emotionally unstable (subject to frequent symptoms of premenstrual mood sindromasmenam) and / or engaged in intellectual work. At the age of 30 ICP observed in each fifth of the fair sex. The older the woman, the greater the likelihood of PMS. After 40 years, ICP has worried every second woman. According to some reports, PMS affects more than 80% of female individuals, but not all of them to notice problems with the body. 

Premenstrual Syndrome: Symptoms 

During PMS occurs irritability, a sense of vulnerability and insecurity. Many of the fair sex PMS accompanied by headaches , pain in the chest and waist area , insomnia , fever , swelling and weight gain of 1-2 kg. Women who are able to listen to yourself and detect changes in their body, can not fail to notice the monthly deterioration of physical and emotional state. Some of them are really suffering - ICP prevents them to live and work . In this case, you must consult your doctor who will prescribe treatment. 

Premenstrual syndrome: treatment 

If during PMS in women there is a strong depression, her doctor will prescribe antidepressants lungs . Gynecologist can prescribe oral contraceptive - noted that women who protects hormonal contraceptives , the severity of PMS significantly lower.
Intake of vitamins A and E can reduce the symptoms of this disease.
Effective treatment of PMS synthetic analogs of sex hormones - such treatment helps to restore balance PMSgormonalny Therapies that makes PMS less pronounced. But this treatment - only under the supervision of the doctor !
PMS may be due to endocrine disruption - if during PMS serious changes in the body, is worth a visit endrokrinologa and pass a special survey , the results of which will be assigned to adequate treatment.

Premenstrual syndrome: food 

During PMS , women should follow a certain diet. From the diet should be deleted :
- salty and spicy - this will avoid the appearance of edema,
- beef - it may be present artificial estrogens
- Sugar - it can increase the excitability and induce changes in mood ,
coffee - is able to strengthen the anxiety and irritability.
Although excluded - this, of course , loudly , but you should try to use these products in smaller quantities than usual.
It should also reduce the consumption of milk and fats ( fats contribute to puffiness ) . During PMS need to reduce the amount of protein foods in favor of carbohydrate - grain, rice , bread , fruits and vegetables must be present in the diet of women suffering from PMS. But many women in this period marked problems with the gastrointestinal tract ( can be a pain in the stomach, bloating ) - in this case should be cautious , there are those fruits and vegetables for which the body does not always respond painless. Legumes better not to drink .
Scientists from the University of Massachusetts conducted a study comparing the power of those women who are subject to the ICP and those whom this syndrome is not worried. The results showed that women who eat large amounts of calcium and vitamin D, much less likely to suffer PMS. Should be regularly ( not only and not so much during PMS , and all the time) to eat dairy products with fruit ( fruit yogurt , milk, juice , fruit and milk mousse , etc.) , fish and seafood . And, of course , be more likely to bask in the sun. This is especially true for the Russians - our summer is short and winter is long , so you should not rare sunny days to spend at home .

How to survive PMS: Tips

Doctors claim that PMS less likely to suffer those women who exercise regularly . Swimming, running and aerobics can help to recover from PMS. However, strong load may increase the severity of PMS , so weightlifting - not the best option for treatment.
If a week before menstruation you feel worsening emotional state , increase the consumption of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, go to the pool , take a stroll in the sun , distracting - to visit the theater or at the disco , hang out with nice people you.
Try to get more positive emotions - think about their success in professional activities , see its successful pictures , ask the man she loved to tell you 10 compliments - absolutely sincere and untrue . Buy a beautiful thing , sign up in the SPA salon , go on a picnic - all this will help you feel better .
But what to do in any case is not necessary during PMS , so it is to drink alcohol , and pour enough sleep , get to work , the success of which is highly questionable , and to part with your beloved. By the way , according to some doctors, regular sexual life and presence beside the man she loved once and can heal a woman from PMS. Love , enjoy your life and be healthy!


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