May 10, 2014

All you need to know about Tanning

One of the main advantages of modern beauty - skin silky golden or bronze color. Aristocratic pallor today is not in vogue , so it is popular and solarium tanning . But once - until the middle of the 20th century - have a golden tan was considered bad taste. Aristocrats , who were trendsetter wore corsets, Waist to their immense size . This causes frequent fainting , weakness, paleness and painful . In addition, the aristocrats rarely ever happen in the open sun - walks in carriages or shady gardens are not contributing to the appearance of a tan.

Commoner , forced to work in the fresh air and walk around the city on foot , just different golden tan . If a noble lady suddenly covered with "gold" or "bronze" , she had to catch myself surprised and mocking looks how she could afford to look like unto a peasant ? Ladies were afraid to leave the house without an umbrella from the sun and skin covered with white powder . Only in the 20th century in fashion came relaxing on the beach and , as a consequence, a tan.

There are several theories as to how and when it became fashionable for tanned skin. According to some, tan helpful fashionable in the early 20th century, when African jewelry became popular . These exotic fancy gadgets is not very advantageous looked pale skin of European aristocrats , so ladies allowed themselves a little browned in the sun.

According to other data , the rich and famous began to sunbathe in the 20s , when the world established the cult of youth and health, and pallor, as you know, is called painful. At the same time in Europe lighted star singer J. Baker, different dark , tanned skin .According to another version , the fashion for a tan incomparable Coco Chanel introduced that offered women wear short skirts . Pale legs and arms looked , to put it mildly , not in combination with a little black dress . It then became the lot of tan not commoners , and people capable of afford a vacation by the sea.Since then, nothing has changed - the tan is still relevant . When there sunroom , women began to walk subsidiaries tanned all year round. Arose even ironic definition for ladies , overly fond tan - they are called " grilled chicken ." Everything is good in moderation , and tan - even more so! 

Why you need a tan? 

Today we all know that excessive tanning is not good for the human body. Skin exposed to intensive sun exposure , aging much faster . Furthermore , ultraviolet provokes the development of malignant tumors.Those who do not want to expose your skin to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, but wants to have a beautiful golden color, is to look at the tan . Today bronzer - no longer a novelty . Many had the opportunity to indulge in their action of this agent. As a rule, always use bronzer those women (and men) who have a shortage of free time trying to visit a solarium or lying on the beach .Tanning creams have become the salvation for those who are contraindicated ultraviolet irradiation . Photodermatosis , cancer and the risk of those not given opportunities to be in the sun ( real or artificial) , but do not preclude the desire to look beautiful. 

Tanning use and when an urgent need to acquire gold or even a chocolate color - for example, for photo and video shooting, theme parties or any other event. Some bring along a bottle of tanning, going to the sea. You may say that this is stupid? However, many women do not like to appear on the beach in all its pale-blue glory. Tanning is needed only in the first days, and then the sun will take care of beautiful skin color. 

Tanning: what it is and what it "eat"? 

Tanning creams - they are called avtobronzanty - contain dihydroxyacetone , which reacts with skin proteins causes darkening it . Painted in tan color , only the upper layers of the skin , so no harm to the funds deposited , but the action avtobronzant and for the same reason is short-lived - is a natural exfoliation scales tinted skin , and tanning effect fizzles . The time it takes to skin darkened , is approximately 3-4 hours. However, there are tanning , which give results within the first hour after application. 

Procedure tanning salons now offer many . For this purpose , a special enclosure with built-in compressor - coloring agent is sprayed evenly across the body and face. These cabins are usually provided with ventilation systems and air conditioning systems , providing quick drying lotion applied . Practiced in salons and tanning manual application . Funds used for the procedures are the same avtobronzanty in which dyes are added ( bronzer ), allowing immediately see the result of application. In spray tanning salon often includes moisturizing and nourishing products - it makes the procedure even useful.

Harmful if tan?  

Argued that tanning harmful to the skin. Experts say that avtobronzanty have one single negative impact - they dry skin. Harm from tanning, so there is no comparison with the negative impact of tanning under the sun or in a solarium. Tanning can be used as often as needed, but in this case should be systematically moisturize the skin. 

Bronzing: Cons 

The main disadvantage of tanning is that it should be applied regularly , namely 2-3 times a week . Be very careful to cover the skin avtobronzant carefully wiping means that there are no spots, and this takes time . If the same procedure was carried out in the lounge, have to regularly attend such that it also is time consuming . Another negative - the complexity of the application and , as a consequence of lack of skills , uneven spots. Not immediately, but you can gradually learn to make your tan even.Many who had to use a bronzer , note that the pores of the skin become clogged with faces like avtobronzant and become like little freckles or moles. To reduce this negative consequence of using tanning facilities should do before applying skin peels and use protein- lemon mask to pull off and close the pores .Frequent complaints and smell that gets avtobronzant skin after application . Someone said that leather smell singed , other noted odor of iodine, other aroma that is associated with more unpleasant things . For this reason many fans bronzer applied it in the evening for a couple of hours before bedtime and in the morning take water treatments , in order to get rid of " darling ."

How to apply bronzer on your face and body?  

- Before applying bronzer (no matter - in the salon or at home ) , take a shower and have a good body rub with a washcloth or use a rough scrub. Exfoliation is necessary to lay down tanning evenly. It should also make the hair removal as hairs may prevent uniform deposition .- It is necessary that the body was already growing cold and dry after bathing. The fact that razogretaja skin can absorb more funds (because the pores will be expanded ) and become darker , and unevenly colored.- Begin to apply avtobronzant face, then go for the neck, shoulders, arms , chest, abdomen , buttocks, thighs and legs. To make tanned back, need outside help .- Those parts of the body where there are folds ( elbows , neck, nasolabial area , etc.) need to paint the most carefully - after votrete avtobronzant in these places , and pat cloth to remove any excess funds . When tanning is applied all over the body , once again go over the folds of cloth. 

- Do not just wear clothes - let means 10-15 minutes to soak .- For application avtobronzant better to use thick rubber gloves. If there are none, after application to wash their hands with soap .- To protect the eyebrows and lips from staining , apply a little greasy cream . If your hair is blond, their roots at the base of the face can also cause a bit of body milk . Immediately thereafter you can apply bronzer .- Some tools can leave marks on clothes , so a day applying bronzer choose dark underwear and clothing.- If you want to get a more intense tan , use this way - apply bronzer , and in 3-4 hours , take a shower , then apply a means again.- If you attempt to be tanned failed - skin became darker shade than I would like , or mottled , do not worry - help peeling with salt and lemon juice . Squeeze lemon juice in water or dilute citric acid. Picking up a handful of coarse salt , moisten it with lemon juice and massage your body in such a scrub .Skillfully applied tanning makes the skin after the holidays as the sea , the main thing - to choose good quality tool and gently put it . No wonder many stars choosing tanning - Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez and other famous beauty repeatedly recognized that care of their health, so this tan under the sun or artificial avtobronzanty prefer . 


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