May 22, 2014

Rear view, or Workout on the buttocks

Round bulging buttocks ... The interest in this part of the body also depends on the changing fashion . For example, in the late 19th century in vogue lush ass . Mandatory attribute of the female wardrobe became a bustle - a cotton pad , placed under the dress below the waist . The dress was quite narrow ( crinolines had already been worn ) , the emphasis was not on the width of the hips and buttocks at the splendor .Fashion has changed - and changed the notion of what should be a female figure . In 20th years of the last century, women began to fight for their rights, to cut their hair and wear pants . This affected the ideals of feminine beauty - in vogue tanned women athletes , active and energetic . Splendor breasts and thighs receded .

In the 50s became a movie star Marilyn Monroe , characterized spectacular beauty and soft femininity. Figure of the " hourglass " again was the height of fashion , but not for long . Soon a transparent Twiggy does not look like a woman . Decades have passed , and the ideal of beauty has not changed much - still regarded " leggy " and slim , bordering on thinness . However, some adjustments to this ideal image yet been made .When in the late 20th century in vogue latina - tanned beauty with appetizing forms , the world is simply obsessed with round ass ! Figure Jennifer Lopez , characterized luxurious forms were ambiguous - some believed that the only way a real woman should look like , others were strongly disagree with this .

Whatever it was, round ass high in the 21st century has become a mandatory attribute of female beauty. A girl can be thin or plump, high or not, but if it is the owner of luxury buttocks - high, round and supple, her body will appreciate. Brazilian Carnival with "get" dancers gave the name of this round buttocks - "Brazilian ass." However, many dancers instead of muscles - implants, but the natural beauty is always appreciated above. Fortunately, the pump buttocks - not as difficult as it seems.

How to build buttocks woman?

Of course, just sitting on a chair , do not get beautiful buttocks. There are many very effective exercises to enlarge and strengthen the buttocks. Perform their necessary not only to have a great view from behind. It is worth knowing that the firm buttocks promote good posture as well as keeping the abdominal muscles toned . Yes and gait in women with strong buttocks beautiful.To strengthen the buttocks is prime " invisible " exercise: at any time in any place convenient and comfortable place not even need to stretch the muscles of the buttocks , believing himself to ten and relax . Run on 40 stresses several times a day . This exercise helps keep the gluteal muscles toned , but not make them rounder.

How to make a beautiful ass? exercises

Squatting with weights. This exercise is the most effective to increase (rounded) of the gluteal muscles. It is performed with a barbell or dumbbells. Any squats worth perform under the guidance of a coach - in any case, at the beginning of classes.

Houses can also squat - with dumbbells in his hands. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart . When you squat hips should fall below an imaginary line parallel to the floor . There is even a " sport " is a saying that says : " The lower the " syad "- the stronger the ass ." That is, the deeper the squat , the more useful exercises. During the sit-ups must be ensured that the feet rested on the floor, and the back has always remained flat (not arched or curved ) . Need to squat , as if trying to sit on a low chair - this is important!

Lunges and squats with weights "scissors" . These exercises also provide a very tangible results , if your goal - to increase slightly and round buttocks, and thighs making them elastic. Barbell to perform these exercises worth by a coach with dumbbells you can work at home.Exercise for buttocks "attacks" . Starting position : stand up straight , pick up a dumbbell. Take a big step forward , bending his knee . Rear leg and bent at the knee, while the knee is about 10 cm from the floor . Return to starting position and do the same with the other leg lunge . Should be performed at 20-40 lunges on each leg in 1-2 sets . Important: both knees at the moment lunge should be bent at a right angle - it ensures that the correct load and avoids injury.

Exercises for thighs and buttocks

Exercise for buttocks " Squat " scissors " . It is similar to exercise "attacks" . Performed with a barbell or dumbbells. Starting position: stand up straight and take one foot slightly to the side and back. The distance between the feet should be sufficient to ensure that when bent back leg at the knee could bend the front leg to 90 degrees.
Execution: back leg to bend at the knee , dropping him almost to the floor ( front leg should bend it at a right angle ) , and then return to the starting position, then sit down again , etc. During squats focus on the heel of the front leg . Back heel comes off the floor.Should do the exercise " Scissors " in 2-3 sets of 10-15 squats for each leg. Squatting "scissors" do buttocks and high elastic. Furthermore, this exercise strengthens the anterior thigh .It should be remembered that squats and lunges with a significant burden worth carrying out only under the guidance of a coach , at least in the early stages of training.These exercises are the most effective, if the main goal - to increase , pump up the buttocks to make them round and elastic , like a nut . But do not neglect the more simple pursuits .Simple exercises for the buttocks : kick their feet and different information. These exercises will help " polish " the results achieved by performing strength exercises . By the way, Mahi will be more effective if they comply with the weighting on the feet. Useful for the buttocks kick their feet from standing on all fours. Alternately retracted straight or curved legs and lifting them , you feel a strong tension in the muscles of the buttocks , and then burning. Cost perform 30-50 strides in each leg for 2-3 sets .

Information is as follows: you need to lie on the floor, knees bent at the feet shoulder width apart. Hands lie along the body or head. Lifting up the pelvis, buttocks should stretch and engage in such a position, and then to reduce and dissolve knees. Return to the starting position and then repeat again lifting the pelvis and knees reduction. Perform lifting the pelvis need as many times as the number strong enough.

How to make a beautiful ass ? A few more recommendations

Very useful for buttocks jumping rope - 10 minute sessions per day with a rope reduce body fat and strengthen the buttocks. Regular jogging also allow to get rid of excess fat and make your legs and ass stronger and more resilient.Of great importance is the power. Women who want to increase the muscles of the buttocks , not only perform strength exercises , but also carefully watching their diet . Muscles to grow , they need to constantly feed protein. To do this, someone immediately after exercise drink a glass of skim milk , someone eats some cooked egg whites , and someone more like to use protein shakes .Most importantly, what needs to change in the nutritional status of women seeking to make his beautiful ass - is to reduce fat intake , increasing intake of protein foods . Of course, the diet should be balanced and varied. After about 2 months of training and proper nutrition mirror will show you the first results . A year after the launch of your personal program " Beautiful buttocks " your ass Brazilian envied by many Brazilians !     


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