May 8, 2014

Best Neck care at home

Today, there is probably not a single woman who would not cared for skin - we all wipe the face tonic, moisturizing skin creams, once or twice a week, pamper her masks, etc. However, many women often forget about the neck, so it gives it their true age, or worse, throws a few short years.

Beautiful female neck - long, thin, smooth, without a single crease.
A swan neck called. Yes, each of us not lucky enough to be the owner of a long neck, but any woman can make this part of the body was slender and smooth. Sweaters throat, of course, good, but only in cold weather - summer do we want to wear blouses and shirts that open neck and chest area. And make sure to make them look younger, you need to advance. So, have patience - and will drive in three neck folds and wrinkles from the neck! What should be the proper care of the neck at home? 

Neck care: daily routines 

The skin of the neck, no less than facial skin needs cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition. Neck need to wash with cool water and foam for the face. After washing, the skin should be wiped tonic and apply a light moisturizer. Evening neck skin should be cleaned again and tonic and massage into her nourishing cream. 
Neck skin lotion can prepare yourself - it should grate cucumber, fill it with a small amount of vodka (one medium cucumber - 3-4 tablespoons of vodka). Utensils close, wrap and leave to infuse for a few days, then strain and store in refrigerator. This lotion perfectly cleanses the skin and whiten her - in short, makes a swan neck. 

Care neck and decollete massage

Systematic cleansing , hydration and nutrition may not be sufficient to ensure that the neck is smooth . This massage schetkasluchae should resort to a massage . Perfect effect has a neck massage massage brush - 1-3 times a week should be for 5 minutes to make a circular motion brush in the direction from the chest to the chin. Do not forget about the neck area . The skin becomes bright red and hot . Better to massage the evening , after the skin has cleared. At the end of the massage would be great to rub into the skin of the neck and decollete greasy nourishing cream. For massage can ipolzovat soft household brush massage mitt , mitten or terry toweling polotenechko tough .

Useful and water massage for the neck. Taking a shower , point to the neck and chin a strong stream of cool water and massage for a minute or two - this gentle massage if you do it regularly, will also benefit .  

Care neck and decollete: contrasting procedures

Neck and neck like contrasting procedures . If there are deep creases around his neck , contrast helps compress. To do this, prepare an infusion of chamomile, peppermint or rosemary. Pour into a bowl of hot infusion , and the other to pour cold water and salt the it ( 1 teaspoon salt per cup of water ) .

Gauze or a soft cloth first need to moisten the hot infusion and for some time to attach to the neck or wrap around. Second hot towel spread out on the upper chest . After about three minutes to remove a hot compress to the skin. New cloth moisten with cold water and apply to neck and neck for half a minute . Alternate hot and cold compresses at least three times . Contrasting procedures make the skin noticeably more supple and prevent its sagging .


Care neck and neck: compresses

Sometimes you can make a cream wrap - this should be applied to cleansed neck and neck fat nourishing cream , compression wrap paper or film , then wrap a towel or handkerchief. After half an hour to remove the compress , rub skin lotion.

Also effective and salt compress. In cold salted water ( 1 teaspoon per cup of water ) should moisten the gauze or a soft washcloth and gently squeeze a few minutes to impose on the neck. After the wrap is removed , apply a nourishing cream. Such a procedure , if run it 1-2 times a week , get rid of wrinkles and make the skin supple. 



Fruit to nourish the skin of the neck and decollete

Like the skin of the neck not only contrasting procedures, but also fruit. Pamper your neck banana, kiwi, orange and other fruit - just rub the skin with a slice of fruit, and a few minutes, rinse with water and apply moisturizer. Such fruit feeding can be done every day.  

Good for the skin of the neck and decollete mask banana - banana need to stretch into mush, add a little honey or essential oils of orange, rose and / or rosemary. The resulting mixture was applied to the skin. After half an hour rinse with cool water. 

Neck care: salon treatments 

If no treatments for neck , made at home without help , feel free to go to the salon for mesotherapy or acid peels. Mesotherapy - is the introduction into the skin biokokteyley and vitamins. This procedure stimulates the metabolism and like turning back the clock , making a woman young and beautiful again . But before you decide on mesotherapy worth a try chemical peels, which will have a profound peeling effect . The result of this procedure will be to increase the skin's elasticity , its noticeable rejuvenation. Perhaps after a few treatments peeling , mesotherapy and you do not need . 

Neck care: prevention is better than cure

Wrinkles and folds on the neck, just like any other trouble is easier to prevent . Make sure that as you walk . Tip of the nose looks at the floor and his chin almost lying on your chest? No surprise, then , that you had creases and wrinkles . Now sit up straight , straighten shoulders , lift the chest and head . And so it go - then and wrinkles on the neck will not be very long , and your gait will be different grace. Make sure also for how and what do you sleep? On the vast , lush pillow ? Try to sleep without it. If you are not comfortable - buy flat pillow , and soon your neck is smooth and graceful as a swan .  


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